01.01.2021 | Digitization of the economy: Achievements of the year and perspectives

The President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has specified the digitization as a priority for solution of program objectives of national economy. Systematic work has been carried out in the country last year for the formation of important foundations off digital economy, especially for provision of normative and legal regulation in this sphere.

Transfer to digital economy will support to development of investment activity, introduction of advanced methods of the government administration and opening of new working places, enhancement of efficiency of all branches by use of information technologies, the Head of the State notes.

In February 2020, the Leader of the nation has signed the Resolution on establishment and implementation of the electronic document management system and internet sites in Turkmenistan.

The documents assign the ministries, departments, regional and Ashgabat administrations, establishments and facilities regardless from the organizational and legal form as well as individual entrepreneurs individuals, who carry out entrepreneurship activity without registration of legal entity, to provide the establishment of the electronic document management system and websites as well as putting them into operation and provision of systematic updates in set order.

Gradual fulfilment of the provisions of the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 2025 approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov supports further progress of the Motherland, business and investment activity, introduction of advanced management methods.

The main macroeconomic indicators, which indicate economic development are remained on stable level, monetary and credit policy is modernized, support of production as well as import substitutive and export oriented branches is carried out in the country.

The digitization of banks is aimed at modernization of bank infrastructure, expansion of product line and channels of cooperation with clients using modern technologies.

Turkmenistan’s banks provide the financing of priority sectors of the economy. Granting of long-term credits, mortgage loans as well as credits, which are aimed at support of development of advanced production technologies based on relative resolutions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are continued.

Digital transformation will expand the range of banking services and capabilities of national payment system, which are given to the clients, and will improve the competiveness of Turkmen banks.

The banking system is one of the main structures of market economy, its mirror, which reflects the readiness of national economy of the country for the changes.

With regards to banking services, the transformation represents fundamental change of the relations between the participants of banking market and clients, which implies, first of all, higher services and saving of clients’ time by use of alternative service channels.

Quick and comprehensive availability of services offered to the participants of banking market brings the relations between banks and clients to fundamentally new level, the Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

On the background of development of mobile internet and expansion of the functions of smartphones, mobile applications, which users enter the internet to check their balance, operations, to make transfer or pay for services as well as to receive or pay for credit, placing deposit or buying insurance several times a day, are the main moments.

Since the introduction of the applications, the amounts of non-cash payments by Altyn Asyr, Millicart, Deposit and Family bank cards are increased and number of users of such services as Internet banking, mobile banking, contact-free payment is growing.

The options of gadgets and computers are widely used during payments for credit card dues and interests through bank terminals.

Payments for goods and services bought in shopping outlets and service centres, utilities (gas, water and electricity), relative services of Traffic Police Department including registration of vehicles, issues of plate numbers and technical passport, inspection, issue of driving license and other are made by bank cards through the terminals.

Fees for receiving or change of passport of Turkmenistan if it is lost, change of residence are also paid by bank cards.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that implementation of modern banking services supports the growth of trust and attractiveness of credit facilities, simplifies the process of depositing or receiving money by individuals and legal entities.

Thus, the State Commercial Halkbank has launched Haklbank terminal mobile contact-free payment application in 2020, which has become one of successful measures for digitization of bank operations. This system is installed on regular smartphone of the seller of goods and services and practically displace bulky terminal that were used before.

The Head of the State highlights that wide selection of internet services stimulates the citizens to long-term and permanent education, improvement of professional level using distant methods.It is obvious that introduction of digital education will increase human capital and attract innovative resources to the economy and other spheres for the prosperity of the society and progress of the country.

Currency of development of digital technologies in educational sphere has grown significantly due to the latest global challenges, the Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes.New coronavirus infection, which has covered almost all countries, has brought its corrections in the concept of work of educational system in the world.

In this complex situation, digital technologies have given opportunities to continue educational process in online format using modern mobile devices and internet.

The educational structure and organization of educational process are changed fundamentally during digitization. Use of new information and communication technologies is an initial condition for further development of digital education.

Methodically, the digitization of educational system is based on new educational standards. It requires a tool for making of educational materials, a way of efficient presentation of the content and knowledge of students for efficient education.

Advantages of digital technologies are obvious for achievement of the growth of national economy of the country, and the concept of digitization is seamlessly integrated to all government programs and big economic projects.

Digital technologies have a key for comprehensive solution of many objectives of sustainable development. The market of digital technologies is one of the most rapidly growing in the world and popular sector of the occupancy among the youth.

The Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that trade is an important driver of economic growth in Turkmenistan; it provides more than 10 percent of the GDP.Important role in the aspect of digitization belongs to this sphere, which has a foundation of development of high technological and innovative solutions.

The concept provides the realization of wide range of integrated measures aimed at development of internet trade in general as well as at increment of competiveness of flocal producers.

Legal base for introduction of digital technologies to the management of retail and wholesale networks has been established in national trade system, the same like in other branches of Turkmenistan’s economy.

Based on the Laws of Turkmenistan on Protection of consumer rights, on Trade Activity, on Legal regulations of development of Internet network and provision of internet services in Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs has developed and introduced the Rules for sale of commodities by distant methods, which are intended to regulate the processes of internet trade.

The Rules include general provisions for establishment of remote trade including advertisement of goods, entering into sales agreement, order of delivery to consumers.

These Rules are applicable for legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal form as well as for individuals who carry out entrepreneurship activity without registering a company.

As of today, the digitization of trade is mainly determined by change of character and model of behaviour of modern consumer, the Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes. It is also provided by the change of the environment rapid development of technologies, appearance of digital ecosystems and innovative business models.

Thus, modern consumers highly appreciate the comfort and ecological component, try to save time and demand personal approach.They actively use digital technologies and various channels to receive necessary information.

In general, the growth of consumption is observed in Turkmenistan, however, the way of consumers to procurement becomes multi-channelled.It leads to the necessity in change of retail sale.

The practice shows that integrated approach gives the best result during implementation of such changes. For example, it is necessary not only use the systems for calculation and analysis of visitors’ behaviour but also to review the requirements for personnel and to increase work production.

The efficiency of operation activity can be increased using digital technologies and to reduce the cost of goods and make them more affordable on the market respectively.At the same time, many shop personnel note that the majority of consumers welcomes technical novelties and actively uses them in shopping outlets.

Thus, self-services cash-desks, contact-free payments and mobile apps of shopping networks become more required.

Therefore, two main trends can be allocated in the sphere of digitization of Turkmen trade active application of modern technologies and strive to deep analysis of client base.

Relative Regulations have been developed according to the Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2020 2025 as well as for fulfilment of instructions of the Head of the state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for transfer of printing media to electronic format.

The document outlines the utmost measures for solution of set objectives and information about profitability of transit of newspapers and magazines to electronic format.

Opening of the websites of printing media has a political and economic importance. Wide coverage of internet by Turkmen mass media will allows spreading the information about our country in the world more effectively. In addition, the website has an opportunity to place not only printing material but also audio and visual information, videos, interviews in live mode.

Transfer of newspapers and magazines to digital format will allow reducing expenses of printing plants, save paper, colours, wear-off of printing equipment significantly. Printing equipment, which is used at present time, can be used for more beneficial commercial orders.

Digitization of mass media will establish competitive environment in local informational market and will provide entry to the world informational market if it is used correctly and professionally. Following this direction, the media will be interested in search for qualified reporters, translators, IT specialists.

The Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on establishment of Interdepartmental Commission for development of digital economy in Turkmenistan is worth to be mentioned among practical and main measures for establishment of conditions for transit to digital economy.

The goal of the Commission is to support practical implementation and promotion of digital technologies on all level of the state and public life.

The first session of the Commission has been held in the beginning of 2020, at which the utmost objectives have been specified. The second session of the working group of Interdepartmental commission for development of digital economy in Turkmenistan has been held in December last year in video conference format.

Representatives of dozens of ministries, departments, municipalities, banks, establishments and organizations, specialists of IT platforms as well as the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have taken part in the session. The agenda included the amendments and addendums of the Provision and composition of Interdepartmental Commission for development of digital economy.

National Project of Unified Identification and Authentication System (UIAS), which is to provide authorized access of the participants of informational collaboration (applicants and officials of government authorities) to the government electronic resources for provision of electronic services.

The access is granted after registration at the Unified Government Service Portal of Turkmenistan e.gov.tm.in addition, the project of the Interdepartmental Electronic Cooperation System, an informational system developed at the request of the Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that would allow central, regional and local administrations, credit organizations and other participants of the system to exchange data necessary for provision of government services to the citizens and organizations in electronic format, has been presented at the session.

The participants of online session have noted that it is necessary to take permanent and steadfast measures in several directions, including in study of advanced world practice and development of national personnel, scientific, technical and infrastructural potential, for provision ofsuccess of digital transformation.

Summing up the outcomes of performed work and outlined perspectives, it can be noted with confidence that Turkmenistan has approached the objective of transit to digital economy thoroughly.Improvement of legal base, establishment of necessary infrastructure, favourable conditions for development of IT companies, solution of objectives of provision of personnel and many other will definitely accelerate the achievement of the goals set out by the Concept.

Comprehensive introduction of advanced digital technologies will be the foundation for further economic growth of the country. Analysing current situation and removing the barriers, developing cooperation in new technological spheres, Turkmen producers plan to increase the competiveness of national economy in the world markets.

The Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that acceleration of transit of national economy of the country to innovative way, increment of growth of business and investment activity, growth of labour occupancy in scientifically based industries, introduction of advanced information technologies to all spheres will significantly increase quality and prosperity level of the population.

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