04.12.2018 | Outcomes of 11 month of 2018 are analysed at the session of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of branches of national economy for 11 months of the year.Reports of relative leader have been presented , assessment of the activity of certain ministries and departments have been made and other subjects of the state life have been reviewed during the session.

Having announced the agenda, Turkmen leader gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G.Myradov.The Vice-premier reported on macroeconomic indicators for the period under review as well as on integrated measures for provision of stable development of national economy.

Indicators of total volume of production and retail turnover have grown comparing with the same period of the last year.Revenue of the State budget is 17.9 billion manats while expenditure is 16.9 billion manats for January November.

Salary wages of personnel of government organizations and companies, pensions, state allowances and student scholarships have been timely paid out.Construction of social facilities including living and engineering systems has been carried out under new edition of the National rural programme in the country for the period under review.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity to hold the implementation of reforming programmes under unremitting control.In his turn, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.

Meredov reported on the outcomes of work of oil and gas sector for 11 months.Information about technical and economic indicators achieved in oil and condensate, natural and associated gas production, export of gas, processing of hydrocarbons, gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricating oil and other production has been presented.

It was also reported on the course of construction of Turkmenistan Afghanistan Pakistan India gas pipeline, which is carried out according to the schedule.Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded the Vice-premier to take proper measures for improvement of the efficiency of fuel and energy complex.

The Head of the State highlighted that special attention has to be paid to such subjects as attraction of investments to the industry, sourcing and training of personnel.The Vice-premier received specific instructions on speeding up the development of perspective fields, introduction of modern technologies to oil production.

In addition, Turkmen leader ordered to hold the construction of TAPI Gas pipeline under special control.After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E.Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for 11 months of the year as well as on the conditions of fields proposed for cotton and wheat in 2019 2025.

In this regard, the proposal on amendment of the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on social and economic development of the country in 2019 2025 has been presented to the Head of the State for review.

The President noted that management of agricultural complex and heads of regional administrations have to carry out preparation work for provision of high production of agricultural crops next year, to implement agricultural reforms more rapidly.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers K.Durdymyradov reported on the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for the period under review and practical measures for timely fulfilment of the assignments by industrial facilities.

It was mentioned that at present time, the measures for provision of efficient work of industrial complex of the country, which are aimed at the growth of volumes and expansion of the variety of production, are taken.

The Vice-premier also informed about the work on increment of production capacities of industrial facilities.Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov note that important place is given to rapid development of national processing industry in the strategy of industrial growth and bringing of Turkmenistan to the positions of development countries in the world.

Industrial sector has to become the main engine for other branches of national economy as it is the base for their further development, the President highlighted, having requested to take actual measures for increment of import substitutive production and voles of export of quality Turkmen carpets, which successfully compete with foreign analogues.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov spoke about inefficient use of available potential, having expressed his discontent with the results of works in industrial sector of the country.The Head of the State reprimanded Vice-premier K.

Durdymyradov with the last warning for unsatisfactory performance of his duties and deficiencies admitted in his work.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers D.Amangeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision for 11 months of 2018.

Information about the urban planning of Turkmen capital, further development of energy branch including the establishment of circular energy network has been presented with the report.Having noted that all planned constructions have to be put into operation before new year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to take proper measures .

it is also necessary to develop the programme of construction of facilities for the next year.Modern methods have to be used during development of the projects and relative reports have to be presented timely during the construction.

Speaking of the implementation of National rural programme, the Head of the State highlighted that it is important to continue building new settlements.Having stated that construction works in this direction have been started out in Ahal velayat, the Head of the State ordered to start building four new settlements with all necessary infrastructure in Lebap velayat.

The President of Turkmenistan has also pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the works for creation of circular energy system, having ordered Vice-premier D.Amangeldiyeb to analyse the situation and to take proper measures.

Reporting to the Head of the State on the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for 11 months of the year, Vice-premier Ch.Gylyjov presented the results of activity of the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs, State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange, Trade and Industrial Chamber and Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country.

It was mentioned that positive dynamics of the growth of total trade turnover and production remains the same.The Head of the State made instruction on supply of the markets and shopping outlets with food production and protection of price stability.

We have new year celebrations coming and it is necessary to hold the provision of goods abundance under strict control.The President said.Turkmen leader gave instruction to Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch.

Gylyjov and G.Myradov to analyse the situation and structure of export and import for further increment of import substitutive production volumes.Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M.

Chakiyev reported on the outcomes of work for the period under review.The Vice-premier also reported on the fulfilment of the assignments on improvement of activity of the enterprises under his supervision.

Information about the measures for improvement of the efficiency of transport and transit corridors of the country has been presented within the report.In particular, equipment and facilities base of the Ministries of Railroad and Motor Transport, Turkmenhowayollary Service and the State Service of Maritime and River Transport is consolidated, planned objectives for cargo and passenger transportation are successfully carried out.

The Vice-premier also informed about the work in communication sphere especially in development of service sphere.Having focused on the development of transport sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of search for new methods of work.

Continuing the subject, the Head of the State highlighted that work in transport sphere has to meet modern requirements in the context of the increment of export potential of profile structures and gave number of specific assignments to the Vice-premier.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Abdiyeva reported on the outcomes of work of the structures under her supervision for 22 months of the year.Various events including meetings, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, contests, theatre performances and music festivals have been organized in this period.

Days of Culture of friendly states and Turkmenistan has been held in our country and abroad.Number of joint cultural events has been organized with foreign diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan.

Information about the activity of the State Committee of Tourism has been presented.Second phase of the courses for training of tourist guides for new tourist routes has been held with the participation of experts of the UNESCO and the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations.

From the beginning of the year, Turkmen State Publishing Service fulfilled the plan by 133.2 percent.Representative of national media went on working trip to the number of foreign states where they took part in different events and seminars for improvement of professional qualification.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of more efficient activity of cultural institutions, having focused on the preparation to International Neutrality Day and New Year celebration, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to organize celebration events on high level.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P.Agamyradov reported on the outcomes of work in the spheres under his supervisionfor 11 months of the year.It was reported on the situation in scientific and educational sphere, health protection and sports and on the measures for their further development and achieved results.

Summign up the report, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity to speed up the reformation of the system of education in order to allocate big funds to the State Budget of the next year.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Foreign Minister R.Meredov reported on the outcomes of activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.It was highlighted that independent neutral Turkmenistan successfully implements the strategy of constructive cooperation both in bilateral and multilateral formats.

In this context, it was reported on the work carried out for fulfilment of the assignments and given by the Head of the State and solution of objectives of the foreign department.

It was mentioned that number of foreign partners willing to develop beneficial relations with Turkmenistan id different spheres growth at present time.Therefore, necessary are taken measures for activation of productive contacts in wide spectrum of directions.

Perspective directions of bilateral cooperation have been discussed during the talks with relative structures of the partner states.It was mentioned that significant role in foreign strategy of our country is given to the activation of constructive dialog with regional and international organizations especially the UN, OSCE and European Union.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov requested the Vice-premier, Head of the MFA to provide high organizational level of all planned international events.The Head of the State also highlighted the importance of steadfast improvement of cooperation with competent regional and international organizations.

Speaking of this, Turkmen leader gave number of specific assignments on further activation and expansion of constructive collaboration with all interested foreign partners.Chairperson of the Mejlis G.Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament from the beginning of the year.

Work for development of bills aimed at further legal provision of intensive development of all branches of national economy of the country, implementation of the objectives following from the Resolutions of the first session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan as well as supporting the improvement of interstate relations and cooperation with foreign organizations.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of activation of the Mejlis activity on modernization of national legislation as well as development of legal and regulatory framework and improvement of legal base of international relations.

Summing up the outcomes of country’s development for the last eleven months, the President of the country highlighted key directions of home policy of the state as wellas focused on priority objectives to be solved next year.

Turkmen leader noted that despite complicated situation in the world economy as well as deficiency in work of certain branches especially in oil and gas complex, it could be confidently stated that we have managed to keep high rates of growth of national economy.

According to the forecast, the GDP growth will be 6.2 percent by the end of the year.The volumes of production have been increased almost in all branches of national economy.

According to the adopted programmes, the share of private sector of the economy, which makes 65 percent nowadays, has also grown, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.Income to the State budget has been provided within planned objectives.

Salary wages, pensions and state allowance are paid in set order.Numerous production and social facilities have been put into operation.In the result of the measures taken for increment of export oriented production, the production volumes of such goods have been increased by 51 percent and import of raw materials and resources has been reduced by 48 percent.

The Head of the State mentioned the necessity of further measures for increment of volumes of national import substitutive production by making new type of goods.This work has to be carried out taking into account big resources and capabilities in the country.

The President of Turkmenistan stated positive outcomes of eleven months of the year.Taking into consideration real situation, balanced State budget has been adopted for 2019.In addition, we have enough resources in Stabilization fund and big volumes of government resources.

It is necessary to continue working hard and efficiently and to reach high rates of development of national economy.It is also necessary to speed up the privatization.

Initial Public Offers, organization of stock market and open competitive bidding are the main mechanisms of privatization, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted.The main goal in production branches of the economy is to strengthen market institutions, to develop free competition and to stimulate private business initiative.

This is an excellent opportunity for investors for expansion of beneficial cooperation.Addressing Vice-premier G.Myradov and other members of the Government, the President ordered to start preparation to extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of current year.

In this regard, it is necessary to analyse the achieved results and admitted deficiencies and to define the direction to be improved and to prepare relative proposals including on the management.

At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the outcomes of the year, we would have to adopt the programme of new economic model of development of the country until 2025, which would laid in the foundation of all structural changes in the branches of national economy and would bring our independent state to higher level, would provide further improvement of wealth of the nation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

For this reason, it is necessary that every Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, every leader of the ministry and department hold under strict control the situation in his structure.

You have to know how adopted programmes are implemented, which facilities are to be built and the main thing, when such facilities would be put into operation, the Head of the State noted.

It means that in 2019, all officials on ministries and departments would have responsible objectives, which have to become sacred duty for all of them.The more efficient our work is, the more we would do, the better life of our people would be and the authority of the country would grow higher, the Head of the State highlighted.

Summing up what was said above, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that important issues of the state life, which positive solution would provide further progressive development of the country and high life level of Turkmenistan citizens,have been reviewed at the session.

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