08.04.2019 | Dovletjan Yagshimuradov: It is great honour and pride for me to compete under the flag of our country

Reforms in national sport sphere, huge work for popularization of sports, physical training and healthy life style bring its results health-improving movement becomes more public, ranks of supporters of active leisure grow.

The country has all conditions for training of high class sportsmen of international level.Their victories at international tournaments inspire thousands of young compatriots.Turkmenistan is selected as a place of big competitions due developed modern infrastructure, political and social stability and traditional hospitality of our people.

Recently, it was announced about the World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat in 2020.Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov discussed the preparation to this big tournament with the President of International Sambo Federation Vasily Shestakov, who arrived in Turkmenistan for participation in the events on occasion of the World Health Day, Preparation to this big tournament, few day ago.

In addition, the head of the Federation met with representatives of sport community of our country including sambo wrestlers prize winners of different tournaments and other titles sportsmen, whose successes improve sport prestige of Turkmenistan.

Mix fight wrestler, two-times world champion in ACB (Absolute Championship Berkut) and ACA (Absolute Championship Akhamt) version in light heavyweight category Dovletjan Yagshimuradov was among of them.We present our interview with him. - Dovletjan, how did you start sport carrier? - The same way like many people start from the childhood.

When I was six I went in for karate in Cahrjew etrap, Lebap Velayat. - Did sport distract you when you were in the school? - I would say it was opposite way.

I was good student and become more fond of sport.I loved physical training classes, track and field athletics especially 60, 100, 200 meters sprints where one can run as fast as he can. - Did it help you in the future to make your own style in fighting? - Many things have helped me, everything accumulated gradually.

When I was in the school, I have started going in for national gyoresh wrestling, which gave me a lot for future victories.After, I have started going in for wrestling, kick boxing, hanmudo.

Later, combat sambo came in and mix fight after that. - What was your first prizes? - My first title of Turkmenistan Champion in Karate among children.It was when I was eleven.

It was followed by the first place in hanmudo national tournament… - What about your when you became an adult?By the way, when did you start feeling that you became an adult? - After school I graduated the college.

I was seventeen by that time and I wanted to go to the army.I dreamt to become an adult.I wrote an application but I was not understood.

Nobody believed that I wanted to myself to the army before the age. - Why did you wanted to do so? - Every child has a hero.For me, it was my father.

He served in the army before and often told me about this.I used to like listening to his stories.That is why I wanted to go for service to be like him.

I think that man has to go over this stage in his life.For me, it was a period of formation of the character and personal merits.I finished my military duty as a chief sergeant.

Back in 2009, I entered Kharkov National Economic University to the Management and Marketing department.The study started. - How did you manage to combine the study with sport?

You did not give up the training? - I managed to combine.Of course, there were some difficulties but sport imposes discipline, train to be organized if you want to achieve something.

I did wanted it.I received bachelor diploma and thereafter started master degree.I would be frank there were some difficulties but I did not give up sport.

I have opened such martial art as grappling, which combines the technique of various wrestling styles, for myself. - What was your way to the world of mix fight? - Actually it is interesting not only because mix fight combines different styles but also the philosophy and various cultures.

When I finished my study in 2016 I dedicated myself to sport entirely. - The reporters always mention that you’re a big patriot in TV and online broadcasting.You always come out with Turkmen flag and speak with a proud of your country.

This feeling of patriotism, when did you start feeling it? - I felt it when I was seventeen and that is why I went to the army.I had a desire to serve to the country.

However, such feelings form up much earlier.It is absorbed from surrounding environment, first of all in the family.Being children, we dreamt of hoisting our flag in the world arena and to glorify the country in way the word Turkmenistan’ would sounded like a celebration firework.

Even today, it is great honour and pride for me to go out to the arena under the Flag of our country.I received an injury in my last fight and it was hard for me to continue but I heard the call of my countrymen who came to Warsaw.

Having taken a look at the audience I saw our green Colour and I gave a word to myself that I would not give up.It gave my additional strength and I won in the result. - President of the International Sambo Federation Vasily Shestakov noted when he met with you in the Olympic village that you won Russian sportsman in Russia and Polish guy in Poland, in other words, on their territory where the main audience support was on their side. - It is good that the fights were not held in Turkmenistan.

I would not like to behave like a bad guest.It is a joke.Seriously, there should not be a difference where to compete.It does not matter how great is the audience support, when you are on the ring you are one on one against your opponent. - You always respect your opponents.

It is also mentioned by reporters. - We, Turkmen have such mentality.We have been taught from the childhood that we have to treat others with respect.This is a culture of human, society and nation.

I do not see any reason to abuse my opponent or to see him as an enemy.He is the same fighter, just like myself.What is very important we give example to young people, t those sportsmen who dream to fight for sport victories of their Motherland.

When you are in the ring, you see the image of your country and other people can judge our nation looking at you.I want that everybody see that Turkmens are nice, respectful people, we have strong spiritual traditions, cultural and moral values.

Plus, we are very friendly and hospitable! - In other words, you have to win or lose with dignity? - As they say: honour and dignity are above all!Even when you win, you have to show your opponent that your respect him.

You did not humiliated him, it’s just a sport.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that sport is a friendship!We, Turkmen sportsmen, do all we can to prove these words.

Sport in understanding of the Head of the State is not just records and medals but strong social and consolidating power, which interlinked with culture, economy, diplomacy.Being the President of independent neutral state, he gives peace-making function to sport turning Turkmenistan into the centre of international sport cooperation.

Asian Games Ashgabat 2017, rally Amul Hazar 2018, the World Weightlifting Championship, which participants have learned about the history of our country, rich heritage and original traditions of Turkmen nation, are the examples of how to combine the culture and sport.

Alabay, ahalteke horse, alaja, gyoresh, bakhshy, dutar, all of these accompanied the competitions.By the way, our club in Kharkov is called the Alabay and we follow the concept that sport is the way of peace and friendship.

I’m sure that coming World Sambo Championship in Ashgabat will confirm my words.The decision of organization of it in Turkmen capital is another evidence of the recognition of success of our country in sports development.

I would like to congratulate the President of Turkmenistan on this event of the world significance. - We wish you new victories and success on behalf of all our people!

Thank you.

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