09.11.2017 | Turkmenistan makes regional logistic centre in the Caspian Sea

During working trip to Balkan Velayat, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov inspected the construction of new International seaport in the city of Turkmenbashy.As is known, Turkmenistan having favourable geo-economic location pays utmost attention to the realization of its transit and transport potential as an important factor that supports successful solution of the objectives for rapid rates of the industrialization of the country, diversification of national economy, development of fruitful international cooperation in these spheres.

For this purpose, the network of modern transport communications East West and North South including maritime, air, railway and automobile communications is steadily formed.It opens large perspectives for activation of beneficial regional and interregional trade and economic relations in Eurasian space.

Special role in practical implementation of the plans is given to new International seaport that is under construction on the Caspian coast and is to be the main logistic hub of the whole Central Asian region.

This large investment project initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stipulates the construction of ferry, passenger and container terminals.The complex also includes general cargo loading terminal, bulk cargo and polypropylene terminal as well as shipyard.

Total area of multifunctional port with throughput capacity of 17-18 million tons of cargo per year is more that 1 million 400 thousand square meters.The length of the berth is 3800 meters.

At the same time, the volume of soil for new territory of the port is 5 million cubic meters.The volume of the soil extracted during dredging works for navigation of the vessels to the berths is more than 8,8 million cubic meters. Еру quay wall and the bottom of the port are fortified using powerful machines and piles.

Generally, 2563 1422 mm diameter steel poles filled with the concrete have been piled in shoreline.The piles have sensors that send information to the computer of the control centre, which read the information by special software.

These data on the conditions of the piles are necessary for the port technical maintenance service.Together with the construction of berth hydro technical facilities, numerous other shoreline facility infrastructure including transportation provision 3.9 thousand meters of the roads with flyover intersections and around 30 thousand meters of railways, will be built here.

Generally, it gives visual impression of grandiose scale of the works where thousands units of special machine and equipment are involved.Regarding technical provision of new seaport it is equipped with top modern software and hardware complexes, which are necessary for the provision of safe and efficient navigation and cargo transportation as well as protection of the environment, toward which Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention.

The control of vessel movement inside the port, loading and offloading works will be controlled by automated systems and electronic technologies in real-time mode.Automobile and passenger ferry terminal occupies 230 sq.

m.of territory and is able to accommodate several vessels simultaneously.It is able to serve 300 thousand passengers and 75 thousand trailers per year.The building of the passenger terminal is designed for 400 people.

It is also planned to build port hotel, shopping and entertainment centres.The system of passport and custom control as well as other necessary procedures will be made on modern level.

Number of service personnel at this section will be 200 people.The container terminal with average annual capacity of 400 thousand TEU occupies 249 thousand meters.This strategic facility will bring Turkmenistan to the leading positions in export and import logistic system of the region.

Multimodal logistic facility will provide the complex of services for storage and combined processing of container cargoes delivered by air, roads and railways providing its loading to the vessels and back.

The length of the berth of the container terminal is 510 meters what allows loading and offloading of few ships simultaneously with total cargo capacity of 5000 tons.The port will have modern equipment and lifting and transportation machines for cargo processing.

Thus, special berth ship-to-shore (STS) loaders with 25 TEU capacity will operate in the container terminal.Each of these loaders is able to offload one ship with 300 containers for 12 hours. 50 TEU per day Container Freight Station, which function is to group the cargo according to the purpose, is under construction in the terminal.

It is necessary to mention that the container terminal that will be provided with satellite control system displaying all information on the monitors of the operators is designed according to Container Terminal Quality Indicator standards.

Rapid growth of containers turnover has been observed in the world during last few years.It naturally effected the growth of container terminals.Implementation of the CTQI allowed the creation of unified quality control system in this type of service.

Dry cargo terminal will be used for transhipment of various resource materials, petrochemical productions, clinker, iron ore, bauxite, aluminium, coal, forage, fertilizers as well as grain, sugar, salt, etc.

Warehouses and bunkers will be built for storage of these materials.General cargo terminal is the largest facility.Its average capacity will be 4 million tons of cargo per year.

It is designed for delivery and of different construction materials, iron, steel, timber, vehicles, equipment, etc.Several ships with 5000 tons tonnage will be able to loaded and offloaded at the same time.

Powerful rail and mobile port cranes are designated for loading and offloading.Regarding special terminal for storage and shipment of the propylene, this product is one of the leading one in the list of hydrocarbon items produced by Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex.

Besides, another modern complex for production of polypropylene and polyethylene is under construction in Kiyanly settlement on the Caspian coast.It dictated the necessity of the expansion of throughput capacity of the existing polypropylene terminal.

Let us remind that control of the ships navigation inside Turkmenbashy International Seaport as well as loading and offloading works in all terminals will be carried out by automated systems and electronic technologies in real-time mode.

It is important to mention that this project was developed taking into account the requirements of natural protection according to the international Green Port standard.Each terminal will have bio-cleaning equipment for protection of marine environment of the Caspian Sea.

It is remarkable that the soil extracted during the construction of new marine harbour is used for making of artificial island in the gulf next to the city of Turkmenbashy.

The island of 170 hectares became the habitat, nesting and hibernation of flamingos, swans, geese, herons, ducks, pelicans and other birds.During the inspection of new construction and presented drawings and diagrams presented to the Head of the State, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov talked to the managers of the contractor Gap Inşaat and its specialists involved in the construction.

The project of the construction of Turkmenbashy International seaport is an important part of integrated industrialization of the country, the President said, having added that the completion of this grandiose project will provide more than 2500 working occupancies.

Turkmen leader noted that the shipyard, which opening will indicate the origination of the industry of national shipbuilding, would be principally new enterprise for national economy.Together with the assembly of the ships, full cycle of works for repair of different ships like tankers, dry cargo ships and tug boats will be carried out there.

Speaking of the perspectives of the main sea gate of Turkmenistan, the Head of the State highlighted that the territory of our country is natural transport corridor in East-West and North-South directions providing the entrance to the largest world markets.

Opening of super modern seaport on the Caspian coast will allow bringing economic and trade cooperation between Asian and European countries to new level and will open large opportunities for optimization of transport flows in Eurasian space.

At the same time, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that it is important to use historical practice as in the past Turkmenistan used to be the central link of the Great Silk Road, which role is defined not only by economic categories but also by the integration of many nations that lived in Eurasian continent during those times.

The Head of the State highlighted that new automobile and railway bridges across the Amudarya were built at the place where the crossing of the river, called Amul back then, used to be.

The goods have been transport across the river to Turkmen city with the same name Amul, which was famous around the East as the trade centre of the region.

Nowadays, this modern river crossing brought ancient route of the Great Silk Road back to life.The goods can be transported to Turkmenbashy by automobile and railway transport, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued.

As is known the modern autobahn to Turkmenbashy is under construction so the goods from China and back can be delivered by two types of transport.From Turkmenbashy, where at the moment the construction of the largest in the region port is almost completed, the goods can be transported across the Caspian Sea to Caucasus and farther to Turkey and Europe, or to Iran and the Persian Gulf from where across the ocean to any part of the world.

The President noted that the capabilities of our country in logistics of transit routes taking into account opened transnational railways Kazakhstan Turkmenistan Iran and Atamyrat Ymamnazar (Turkmenistan) Akina (Afghanistan) as well as railroad and automobile bridges across the Amudarya, airpors and modern automobile highways are very impressive.

It was also noted that according to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2018 2024, new sea berth would be built in the city of Garabogaz where the plant for production of 1155000 tons of carbamide per year is planned to be put into operation in the future.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov brought the attention of the participants on the necessity of the most responsible approach to construction of the main and auxiliary facilities of transport complex including energy, engineering and technical infrastructure, which have to meet the highest international standards.

The President of Turkmenistan gave specific orders to the Vice-premiers and heads of relative ministries and departments regarding thorough study and practical application of the best world practice in organization of maritime cargo and passenger transportation, port operations and the state monitoring of the construction of the main sea gates of the country.

New port will give additional strong impulse to economic progress of Turkmenistan, development of industrial and transport infrastructure, creation of new working occupancies as well as will support the attraction of large investments.

Large perspectives are opened in the development of Avaza National tourist zone and increase of number of holiday-makers coming to sea resort of our country from other states, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

At the same time, the Head of the State again pointed at the importance of the provision of ecological prosperity of the Caspian Sea.At present moment, according to national specialist and findings of competent international experts, Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea is considered the cleanest one what is explained by steadfast and targeted work in this direction.

After completion of the port inspection, the President of Turkmenistan, having expressed firm confidence that realization of the project of the construction of International seaport would be visual evidence of economic power of Turkmenistan and its constructive foreign policy, has left the place of the event.

The President of Turkmenistan stopped at the modern car parking located on the territory of Avaza National tourist zone on his way to Turkmenbashy International Airport.There, the members of the Government, heads of the Ministry of Defence and Internal Affairs, the Hyakim of Balkan Velayat reported to the Head of the State on the measures taken for implementation of the programmes of the development of seaside region, particularly for the provision of coordinated operation of road and transport infrastructure.

Having noted the importance of comprehensive development of Avaza National tourist zone and establishment of necessary transport infrastructure, the Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to activate the work in this direction.

Having mentioned that the level of services rendered to the passengers in Turkmenbashy and in all region have to be steadily improved, the Head of the State focused the attention at the necessity of the solution of the issues related to the expansion of international cooperation in this sphere and gave specific instruction to every leader on this account.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that it is necessary to improve the activity of the Navy and Naval Institute in accordance with the objectives followed from the Military doctrine of the country that has exclusively defensive character.

Turkmen leader also ordered to hold under control the issues of the development of social infrastructure of Avaza National tourist zone and formation of recreational and sanatorium system that meets international standards.

Having wished the success in work to the participants, the President of Turkmenistan left to the airport of Turkmenbashy, from where he flew to Ashgabat.

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