11.04.2018 | Head of State Issues Reprimands to Several Senior Officials

For improper exercise of functions of the office, failure to enforce the execution of works outlined in the National Program for Rural Development, the President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, issued reprimands to: the Governor of Ahal province, Amangeldiyev, Shohrat Annagurbanovich; the Governor of Balkan province, Satlykov, Satlyk Bayjanovich; the Governor of Dashoguz province, Bayramgulyyev, Mammet Guldurdyyevich; the Governor of Lebap province, Atahallyyev, Tanryguly Rejepgulyyevich; the Governor of Mary province, Annaberdiyev, Dovranberdi Orazberdiyevich. *** For improper exercise of functions of the office, weakened control over implementation of the National Program for Rural Development and over quality of ongoing construction works, the President of Turkmenistan issued a reprimand to the Minister of Construction and Architecture, Selimov, Soyenchnazar Nurnazarovich.

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