18.01.2021 | President of Turkmenistan inspects new construction sites of the capital

On January 18, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have made working trip around the capital with some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, having inspected the course of construction of Congress Center, fashionable Arkadag Hotel and the Government tribune, which construction was entrusted to Bouygues Batiment International.

During the trip, the Head of the State has proceeded to big facilities, which are under construction along Chandybil Avenue in the southern part of Ashgabat. Congress Center of Turkmenistan, where international forums are planned to be organized, was the first destination point.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Duridliyev has reported on the situation at the construction site and demonstrated the projects of exterior and interior design of the Congress Center.

Having highlighted that Congress Center would be an excellent gift to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence, Turkmen leader has requested to provide high quality of works, their compliance with international urban construction standards and traditions of national architecture.

The Head of the State has pointed out the importance to make all conditions for organization of planned meetings and high-level sessions, which would support the enhancement of the authority of Turkmenistan in the world arena.

Further, the Leader of the Nation went to the construction site of new fashionable Arkadag Hotel, which is also planned to be opened on the 30th anniversary of the country.

Having inspected the situation at the facility, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that this building has to meet high international standards by all criteria starting from the quality of construction to interior design.

The Leader of the Nation has noted that it is necessary to take all measures to ensure that contraction meets high quality standards and would be accomplished according to the schedule.

It was highlighted that bright national colors have to be reflected in exterior and interior design of the building and design of rooms, which would give an excellent opportunity to foreign guests to see rich original cultural of Turkmen people.

The conditions made in hotel complex for comfortable stay of guest have to be in line with primordial traditions of oriental hospitality, the Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted, having given certain assignments.

The necessity of efficient use of the hotel’s capabilities, which construction is in the final stage, for organization of various events including meetings and high level talks.

The Leader of the Nation highlighted that in the future, it is necessary to provide conditions for organization of international level events during project development of social facilities, especially hotels.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that special attention has to be paid to ecological aspect, formation of green zones, planting of trees and development of surrounding territory, which is the main requirement for profile facilities.

Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the construction site of the Government tribune, which is also planned to be opened on the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence.

Beautiful view is opened from the tribune located in the Kopetdag foothills on white-marble capital, which becomes better every day.

The facility impresses with its sizes. The construction of the area of more than 20,000 square meters, is built as per the Eastern palace architecture and have a stand for 2,000 guests.

There is a paved ground in front of the tribune where parades and large-scale events will be held, including the events on occasion of Turkmenistan’s Independence Day.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev has reported on the course of construction of the Government tribune.

Having listened to the report, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific instructions, having requested to provide high quality of construction and completion according to the set timeline.

Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov has reported on the measures undertaken for high-level organization of military parade in this place.

The Leader of the Nation has requested to provide all conditions for marching of modern specialized military equipment, which demonstrate capability and power of National Army and its modern outfit, during preparation of military parades.

All conditions have also to be provided for performance of the horses, which are national pride of our nation.Ahalteke horse occupies deserved place in the history, serving faithfully to many generation of Turkmen horse riders, for who the horse has always been a loyal friend and companion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having requested to make all conditions for unique ahalteke horses would be able to be demonstrated to numerous guests with all their beauty.

Vice-premier M. Mammedova has reported on work for preparation to deserving celebration of glorious 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence this year, in particular on relative cultural and mass events.

Having highlighted the importance of conduct of all planned celebration events on high level, the Head of the State said that together with parades, it is necessary to provide the conditions for organization of wide-scale cultural and mass events.

All events have to be held on modern level according to the spirit of Turkmen people, its traditions, which make up rich national heritage. It is necessary to provide night lighting, celebration illumination, use of advanced technologies, the Leader of the Nation noted, having addressed the Vice-premier with certain instructions.

Taking into account special attention paid to coming celebration of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence, which became a starting point of the latest history of rapidly developing Turkmenistan, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to prepare to opening ceremony of the Government tribune with full responsibility.

The Leader of the Nation has brought the attention of contractor on the necessity to provide high quality of construction and commissioning of the facility according to the schedule. At the same time, the instructions on use of traditions of national architecture and compliance of works with requirements have been given.

Summing up the outcomes of working trip around the city, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that all new facilities have to merge harmonically into magnificent architectural ensemble of the capital with unique natural landscape - picturesque mountain are.

In addition, the functional purpose of the buildings and facilities have to be taken into account during their construction considering and making integrated social and living, engineering and technical, developed transport and communication infrastructures, the Head of the State highlighted, having given specific instructions to relative officials.

Having wished success in solution of set important objectives to all, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left the place of event.

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