20.10.2017 | New issue of the journal-yearbook "Politics and Society" was published

The next, the fourth issue of the scientific and theoretical journal "Politics and Society" for 2016, published by the Archive of the Turkmenistan President in Turkmen and Russian was published.

In the magazine there are about two dozen articles under 9 thematic headings devoted to the most significant events of the year in the socio-political life of the country.

Last year, the Turkmen people celebrated the 25th anniversary of the country’s independence.The article is devoted to this jubilee that confirms with facts and figures that for years of independent development a solid foundation of the modern state has been laid, a civil society has been formed, an intensively growing economy has been created, and the total social security of the population has been achieved.

At the initiative of the leader of the nation, the past year was the Year of Veneration of the Heritage, the transformation of the Motherland.In the article devoted to this topic, it is noted that the heritage of the Turkmen people, serves as a support for the moral, aesthetic and creative development of the individual.

It covers work at the international level, including humanitarian events - Days of Culture, arts festivals, creative and scientific exchanges.The past year was also marked by the adoption of a new version of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

The publication "Constitutional development of Turkmenistan: main features and current trends" emphasizes that the improved Basic Law is based on the best world experience and at the same time takes into account the mental characteristics of the Turkmen people, coming from the depths of centuries of its traditions and customs.

Having determined the key directions of strengthening the democratic, legal, secular state, the renewed Constitution of Turkmenistan proclaims the person as the highest value of society.The article "Public support and trust" tells about the most important socio-political campaign - the election of the president of Turkmenistan, during which, in accordance with national legislation, maximum openness and transparency, publicity and justice were ensured.

It is emphasized that the victory in the election of incumbent President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov became a convincing testimony to the nationwide confidence in his constructive, socially oriented policy aimed at the prosperity of the country.

The materials of the journal's column devoted to economic policy tell about the modernization of the construction complex, transport and communication infrastructure, the strategy of Turkmenistan in the light of the energy landscape of the future.

Particular emphasis is made on the importance of successful implementation of 26 national economic development programs.The publication under the heading "The state is for the person!" outlines the essence of the social policy of the nation's leader, whose goal is the welfare of every citizen, creating the best conditions for the realization of human rights and freedom, his intellectual and creative potential.

It is shown how the growth of state investments in the sphere of education contributes to the education of a highly erudite generation, to an increase in the educational level.

The articles "Teaching of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on historical roots and spiritual renewal of the cultural heritage of Turkmenistan", "Spiritual and moral basis of the Turkmen state" tells about ensuring the moral perfection of the nation on the basis of noble humanistic principles.

Publications of the section "International Relations" analyze the constructive foreign policy course of Turkmenistan.The materials are based on the example of Turkmenistan's active participation in ensuring peace, an equal and mutually beneficial partnership between the states of Central Asia.

An important event was the publication of the book "Music of Peace, Music of Friendship and Brotherhood" by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which tells about the life and work of the famous musician Shukur Bakhshi (1833-1928) through the prism of the peace-loving policy of our state.

In the article devoted to this edition, it is noted that Shukur Bakhshi sought to solve the most complicated issues by peaceful means, practically proving the correctness of the ancient Turkmen proverb "Kind-heartedness delivers great deeds, which neither sabre nor arrow can do." The magazine publishes reviews of books prepared for publication and issued by the Archive of the Presidential of Turkmenistan.

The journal is printed at the Press Center of the Turkmen State Publishing Service.The publication is of interest to students, teachers, graduate students, researchers, government officials, activists of political parties and public organizations.

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