23.12.2020 | The President of Turkmenistan holds session on development of cultural sphere and mass media

On December 23, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held video conference session dedicated to development of cultural sphere and improvement of activity of mass media.

The Head of the State has listened to the reports on performed work, having focused on special important of the objectives in the context of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence, which is celebrated in 2021.

First, the floor was given to Minister of Culture A. Shamyradov who expressed gratitude to the Head of the State for permanent attention to development of this sphere and steadfast improvement of its equipment and facility base.

It was informed that the Ministry has been carrying out integrated works for development of Turkmen culture, implementation of digital system to the activity of the sphere, enhancement of professional level of personnel, creation of modern works of visual, scene and music art.

The measures are taken for improvement of activity of the theatres, cinema and concert centers, libraries, museums, art school, cultural centers, state historical and cultural reserves and tourist organizations according to the State Program of development of cultural sphere in Turkmenistan in 2019 - 2025

Concert of art masters, exhibitions of decorative and applied art, museum values, contests and conference have been held during the year. Online conferences and meeting between personnel of this sphere with foreign partners representatives of profile organizations and establishment, have been also conducted.

It was highlighted in the report that events, cultural and public activities have been held in honor of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality and Year “Turkmenistan Home of Neutrality”, for wide popularization of home and foreign policy of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which is based on goodwill, humanity and peace-loving.

Work of collection of values and enrichment of the funds as well as on introduction of digital system of improvement of work is continued in the museums.

Virtual exhibition projects, which allows having a tour around the museum from any part of the world, to see its collection and to learn about cultural heritage of Turkmen people, has been launched by the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan to mark the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality.

In his report, the minister has also informed about beginning of preparation to the main celebration of the country the 30th anniversary of independence, which includes the development of relative action plan.

Further, the floor has been given to Chairman of the State News Agency B. Amansariyev.

The head of TDH has noted that the Agency works on wide propaganda of home and foreign policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, integration of the country to international information space by spread of the news in internet resources, review and analytical materials on current major reforms.

TDH provides information to Watan News, TV and radio channels of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, central newspapers and other mass media as well as electronic media.

The structure of the organization includes two government websites “Turkmenistan: Today” and “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”. The State Agency supports other media, publishes and spreads weekly magazine “Turkmenistan: Week Events”. The websites of TDH actively spread not only printing media but also video, photo and audio materials.

Wide use of modern technologies allows spreading the news on major achievements of Turkmenistan in implementation of foreign initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, democratic changes as well as implementation of big industrial and transport projects, activity for development of ecology, science and education, sport and private sector of the economy rapidly in online mode.

Development of cooperation in exchange of information with world and national news agencies, cultural and public organizations, support of interest of big international media in highlighting of reforms in Turkmenistan are the main directions of activity of the State News Agency.

Publication of informational review cycle, which includes 12 detailed articles dedicated to major achievements of all branches of national economy, has been accomplished on the threshold of International Neutrality Day.

Having noted that active coverage of important events related to the 30th anniversary of independent Motherland is one of priority objectives of TDH, the head of the Agency assured the President of the country Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that his team would put all efforts and experience for deserving solution of set objectives.

Further, the floor has been given to Chairman of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography A. Ashyrov.

National TV channels have been covering all ongoing events in operational mode. Concerts, movies, round table talks, literary and political compositions, videos, online interviews of international level have been broadcasted.

It was also informed that work for highlighting of the achievements of Turkmenistan has received bigger scale after signing of the agreements with International Mir” TV and Radio Company, which highlights events in the CIS, and with TV and radio broadcasting organization of the Republic of Turkey.

These relations indicate big interest of the world community in reforms in Turkmenistan, which make positive effect of study of foreign practice by national specialists.

The head of the State Committee has informed that preparation to wide celebration of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence next year, which would be held under slogan “International Year of Peace and Trust”, has been started.

The State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography has developed a work plan for 2021 on highlighting of the achievements of the country for the years of independent development and changes in the world.

It was noted that effective work is carried out at present time according to the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on study and application of the practice of foreign states for development of Turkmen journalism and improvement of knowledge level of personnel of TV and radio channels in the sphere of digital system and preparation of informational programs.

Further, the floor has been given to Chairman of Turkmen State Publishing Service A. Hudayberdiyev.

Having expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for big attention paid to the development of publishing sphere as well as for care of the personnel of the sphere, the official noted that specialists of the Service make deserved contribution to achieved success in the year marked with the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan.

The symbol of the year has been placed on all production made by Turkmen State Publishing Service since the beginning of the anniversary year for explanation of the meaning and content of the status of permanent neutrality as well as for demonstration of the meaning slogan of the year “Turkmenistan Home of Neutrality”.

Newspapers and magazine regularly published articles, round table talks, speeches of the heads international organization and diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Turkmenistan.

Newspapers and magazines have announced art contests dedicated to remarkable date and slogan of the year “Turkmenistan Home of Neutrality”. Special celebration releases of newspapers and magazines has been published in December. Turkmen State Publishing Service has published books and booklets containing information about the goals achieved by the branches of national economy for the last 25 years.

Books “Spiritual World of Turkmens” and “Turkmenistan Home of Neutrality”, which were presented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Turkmen people in the year of glorious celebration, were very important revealing on meaning and important of Turkmen neutrality of people of the world.

Turkmen State Publishing Service has opened metbugat.gov.tm internet website. Türkmenmetbugat internet news portal is very popular among numerous readers.

Digital programs Prinekt and Asystem, which are required for printing production and recognized in the world practice, have been introduced in the Complex of Printing Center. These modern programs are regularly updated and brought into compliance with the requirements of cyber security.

The head of the publishing service has expressed gratitude to the Head of the State for advices and recommendation aimed at improvement of activity of newspapers and magazines.

It is planned to publish relative printing production on achievements of sovereign Turkmenistan in various branches of the economy in the year of the 30th anniversary of sacred independence.

It is planned to activate work on explanation of the meaning and importance of independence and permanent neutrality of the Motherland, achieved high targets, to speak of all production and cultural facilities, which are put into operation on occasion of the celebration, in newspapers, magazines and on websites.

Publication of information materials on importance of events hold in the country for compliance with hygiene standards and preventive measures will be continued in the newspapers and magazines.

Chairman of Turkmen State Publishing Service has assured President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that personnel under his supervision would continue putting all efforts for successful solution of responsible objectives.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova has reported on the situation in the structures under her supervision, work performed by cultural organizations and mass media as well as on preparation of events planned on occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence of the country.

Organization of the Week of Culture, which is organized every year in June in honor of the Day of Cultural and Art Personnel as well as the Day of Magtumguly Fragi Poetry, has become a good tradition.

In addition, the Day of Turkmenistan Culture are held in foreign countries and similar actions of foreign states in our country are held under international cooperation, which supports the exchange of practice and popularization of national culture.

Virtual Museum Project has started in the State Museum of the State Cultural Center in honor of celebration of the 25th anniversary of neutral status of the Motherland. Virtual tour around expositions of the museum allows internet users to learn about rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people. Similar projects are developed in other museums of the country.

Activity of national mass media, especially activity of national television, where digital technologies are implemented, is improved. Subjects of TV and radio programs, which narrate about achievements of national economy and its digitization, are expanded.

The population is being informed on importance of preventive measures for non-admission of the spread of infectious diseases, personal hygiene, healthy nutrition, physical training and sport exercises.

Work for improvement of professional level of specialists of mass media, quality of broadcasted TV and radio programs, articles as well as for structural modernization of newspapers and magazines is continued.

The news of our country are highlighted on TV channels of state members of Asian Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) to cooperation between the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography with this organization.

Modern achievements of Turkmenistan are widely covered on websites of cultural organizations and foreign partners of the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

Oguzkhan Türkmenfilm Association continues production of various movies and works for improvement of quality of Turkmen cinema art and production of modern movies.

Numerous cultural events are planned to be held with regards to announcement of 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust. At present time, preparation of events in honor of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Motherland’s independence has been started.

Summing up the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ha stated that big work has been carried out in the country for the years of independence for development of national culture, which supported the achievements of big success in this sphere.

Measures for fundamental renewal of equipment and facility base of cultural facilities have been undertaken, legal base of their activity has been strengthened. Modern theatres, museums, libraries, offices of newspapers and magazines, radio and TV channels and other profile organizations, which are systematically manned by qualified specialists, have been built in our capital and regions.

Having expressed cordial gratitude to cultural personnel for significant input to the development of the country, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that modern time sets new objectives, solution of which would mark glorious celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence of our neutral state with big success.

Taking the Motherland into the rank of industrially developed states of the world, enhancement of its international authority are among the priority objectives, Turkmen leader said, having highlighted special role of representatives of cultural sphere in fulfilment of these objectives.

In this regard, the Head of the State has specified perspective directions of work.

Addressing the Minister of Culture and officials of this sphere, the President of the country requested to develop the Plan of preparation to the glorious anniversary of the country’s independence, having noted that the work has to be expanded on big scale.

Head of the Stat Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to hold the meetings with labor veterans, writers, cultural meetings and music festivals in libraries, museums and other cultural centers of regular basis.

Screenplays of modern works narrating about success achieved by the state for the years of independence have to be shown in the theatres. Children art contests including international drawing contest have to be organized for wide popularization of large-scale changes of the period of independence.

Meeting between the youth and representatives of elder generation, discussions on national traditions and customs, moral and family values, honest work have to be held in cultrual organziations, secondary and higher educational facilities.

The Leader of the Nation has also highlighted the importance of work for finding of talented youth and organization of art contests, festivals and reviews, their regular coverage by mass media for this purpose.

Speaking of activity of museums related to introduction of glorious history of Turkmen nation to the world community, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of cooperation with museums of other states, organization of exhibitions of national tangible and spiritual heritage abroad. In this regard, the necessity of popularization of tourism capabilities of our country has been underlined.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has addressed number of assignments to the Chairman of Turkmenistan’s State News Agency and heads of other mass media.

Success in implementation of foreign strategy of the state, peace-making diplomacy and international initiatives proposed by Turkmenistan have to have wide coverage in mass media.

It is necessary to prepare materials about achievements of the country in political, economic, social and cultural development, to publish them regularly in international media. It is also necessary to prepare series of articles of internal reforms and social and economic achievements for the years of independence and to publish them in printing media systematically.

The Head of the State continued that it is necessary to publish series of materials under slogan “2021 International Year of Peace and Trust” in electronic and printing media of our country and other states.

It is necessary to continue the practice of signing of memoranda and agreements for further development of cooperation with competent foreign news agencies, the President of the country highlighted, having also requested to activate work for introduction of truthful information about Turkmenistan to the world community making official pages and groups in international news systems for this.

Further, the Chairman of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, heads of TV and radio channels, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has requested to make Working Plan of activities in honor of the anniversary of the country and to hold its fulfilment under control.

The Leader of the Nation has pointed out the importance to achieve high quality of programs broadcasted on TV and radio channels, during preparation of which traditions and national features of our people have to be considered.

Having emphasized the work for popularization of glorious history, cultural heritage and traditions of the ancestors, the Head of the State highlighted the necessity of development of modern innovative approaches in covering of these subjects on TV and radio channels.

Turkmen leader noted that new programs have to focus on such subjects as assertion of moral standards in our society, principles of healthy life style, education of the youth in the spirit of respect of elder generation and sacred values of the nation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also outlined directions of work for preparation to the events on occasion of the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence. It has to include organization of contests, media forums including in online format among art collectives of national TV and radio channels, introductory performances, and production of movies about success of our independent states.

Currency of activation of work for wide demonstration of high achievements of Turkmenistan for the years of independence on foreign TV channels has been highlighted under international partnership.

Based on the agreements on cooperation between the State Committee and foreign TV and radio channels, it is also necessary to arrange organization of online seminars for local specialists, the Leader of the Nation said.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also given instruction for development of the Action Plan of events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the country’s independence with specification of objectives for each department of the Service to the Head of the publishing service, directors of newspapers and magazines.

The Head of the State has focused on the importance of wide coverage of large-scale achievements of the country for the years of independence in mass media including on the pages of websites and e-newspapers.

Speaking of systematic modernization of equipment and material base of production departments of the publishing service, the Leader of the Nation has ordered to hold their uninterrupted provision with high quality printing materials under strict control.

In this context, the importance of further introduction of advanced technologies and digital system into activity of the complex of the Printing Center has been highlighted, which would allow achieving high quality of printing production as well as training of qualified personnel for the industry.

Having highlighted the publication and spread of book production, the President of the country pointed out the necessity of increment of production of fiction books dedicated to national heritage, glorious history, famous individuals as well as ordered to arrange internet sale of books as well as sale of electronic and audiobooks if readers want.

Certain instructions have been given on the study of privatization of some facilities of publishing industry and on organization of relative works in this direction.

For saving of resources used for publishing of printing media, the Leader of the Nation has recommended to continue working on expansion of the access to their electronic format.

Addressing Vice-premier M. Mammedova and all officials of cultural sphere, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has ordered to develop relative plan of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence on high level and to develop draft Resolution on establishment of Organization Committee for celebration events.

These events have also to be held on high organizational level in all regional centers, settlements and villages of the country, the Head of the State summed up.

The President of the country has specified further strengthening of legal base of cultural sphere among the priorities and for this purpose to conduct relative works with the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.

Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also pointed out the necessity to pay special attention to training of high-class journalists who know how to works with modern digital cameras, computers and design methods. Mentoring tradition has to be developed in journalism, the Leader of the Nation said.

Special instructions have been given to the heads of this sphere on further enrichment and handover rich cultural heritage, which has been created Turkmen nation for hundreds of years, to further generations for its further conservation, restoration and comprehensive study.

The President of Turkmenistan has also focused on the importance of training of skillful management personnel for cultural sphere. The leaders have to increase the responsibility in fulfilment of their responsibilities, the Leader of the Nation said.

We would continue paying special attention to the development of cultural sphere, which is a heart of the nation, enrichment and popularization of national heritage, education of younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, honest work and high morale.

Works for strengthening of equipment and facility base of this sphere would be continued, the President of the country said, having expressed the confidence that its representatives would continue working hard for prosperity of national culture and art.

In the end of working session, Leader of the Nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished good health, happiness and big success in noble activity for the glory of the Motherland and national culture.

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