A presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan was held in Ashgabat

A presentation of the book by the President of Turkmenistan was held in Ashgabat

In the conference hall of the Center for Public Organizations of Turkmenistan, a presentation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s book “Anau - Culture from the Depths of Millennia” was held, dedicated to the proclamation of the ancient city of Anau as the cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024, TDH reports., the Mejlis and public organizations of Turkmenistan, was attended by representatives of the fields of education, science and culture, the media, respectable elders, and students.

The solemn event was preceded by an exhibition reflecting the rich cultural heritage and creative traditions of the Turkmen people. Samples of decorative and applied art were presented here - man-made evidence of our ancient history and rich culture.

The central exhibit was the new work of the head of Turkmenistan “Anau - culture from the depths of millennia.”

Inspired performances by creative groups, popular singers and musicians brought bright colors to the prevailing festive atmosphere.

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