After Berdymukhammedov’s criticism prices for Internet plans in Turkmenistan drop down

On 8 February, 2021, the next day after President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov ordered that officials “make the Internet more accessible” and “review subscription fees”, the only Internet provider in Turkmenistan, the state-run company “Turkmentelecom”, has reduced rates for the Internet subscription.

The price for the unlimited monthly Internet plan with a connection speed of 256 Kbit/s has dropped down from 150 to 100 manats ($28,6 using the official rate or $3,25 at “the black market” rate) whereas the monthly fee for a maximum package of 2 Mbit/s was reduced from 350 to 200 manats ($57 using the official rate or $6,5 at “the black market” rate).

Unlimited data subscription plans are still not available for rural inhabitants and the only available plan has remained unchanged 10 manats for a monthly subscription plan or 0,1 manats for each Megabite downloaded at a speed of 512 Кbit/s.


“Turkmentelecom” website has updated its rates for rural residents.Two packages are now available: the first plan with a connection speed of 256 Kbit/s for 50 manats a month, or 512 Kbit/s for 100 manats a month.

It is not specified whether these are unlimited data plans.The post After Berdymukhammedov’s criticism prices for Internet plans in Turkmenistan drop down first appeared on Chronicles of Turkmenistan.

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