Airport construction in Turkmenistan's east to start soon

Airport construction in Turkmenistan's east to start soon

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, April 14

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

Construction of an airport in the Kerki town of Turkmenistan's Lebap province will begin in May, Trend reports referring to the "Neutral Turkmenistan" newspaper.

The project is being implemented by the local company "Gündogdy", which previously built an airport in Turkmenabat, the administrative center of Lebap.

Commissioning is scheduled for April 2021. An airfield of 200 hectares will be designed to handle 100 passengers per hour. The length of the runway will be 2,700 meters, width - 60 meters.

The territory of the passenger terminal will occupy 1,730 square meters. The airfield complex will include repair and technical, fueling services, a fire station, storage facilities, and cargo service departments.

Earlier reports noted that there are plans to cooperate with the French company Thales, when equipping the airport to ensure flight safety.

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