Anyk Teklip services are now available to residents of all velayats of Turkmenistan

Anyk Teklip services are now available to residents of all velayats of Turkmenistan

The economic society Anyk teklip, which specializes in the manufacture of a wide range of glass structures, reports that now its services are available to residents of all regions of Turkmenistan.

The company's specialists, using glass cloth, make custom-made shower cabins, kitchen “aprons”, stained-glass windows made of colored glass, mirror mosaics, doors and partitions, as well as stairs and fences, which are popular in the design of the interior space of residential premises and zoning office premises.

Residents of Turkmenistan have unlimited options in the choice of glass structures and designs, including options with transparent or frosted glass, as well as glass with a pattern applied to it by UV printing.

All products in Anyk Teklip are made on modern equipment of Turkish and Chinese production.

Also, among Anyk Teklip's products is a wide range of aluminum and plastic (PVC) window and door frames, double-glazed windows.

You can get acquainted with the range of products or place an order at Anyk Teklip at the following address: Ahal velayat, Ak Bugday etrap, Gyami gengeshlik, territory of the industrial zone, st. Zerger, 3.

Phones for information: 59 57 79, (+993 61) 94 07 07.


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