Russian archaeologists have resumed excavations at the ancient settlement of Ilgynly-Depe in the south of Turkmenistan, the MIR 24 TV channel reports, citing TASS.
Excavations began after a four-year break due to the global coronavirus pandemic.
Many examples of ancient artistic art were discovered in the settlement, which makes it possible to compare Ilgynly with the Neolithic monument of Catal-Guyuk in Turkey, says the head of the expedition, director of the Center for Rescue Archeology of the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IHMC RAS) Natalya Solovyova.
During the excavations, a wall painting was found here that has no analogues in the world.
The current expedition is exploring a pottery kiln found in 2019 and the ruins of the house in which it is located.
According to scientists, the settlement of Ilgynly-depe was founded at the beginning of the 5th millennium BC. Its ruins are located 240 km from Ashgabat. Archaeologists from the IHMC RAS have been conducting excavations there since 1987, the source notes.