After a large-scale restoration that lasted five years, the famous Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral once again filled Paris with the ringing of its bells. This is the first time since the devastating fire of 2019 that the ancient vaults of the cathedral heard the voices of its bells, snob.ru reports with reference to France24.
The revival of the symbol of Paris began on the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron immediately after the tragedy of April 19, 2019, when the flames caused serious damage to the building, including the northern bell tower. The large-scale restoration project involved 250 companies and many specialists, and the cost of the work reached several hundred million euros.
The first test of eight bells took place on November 7, and last Friday their majestic sound lasted for about five minutes. The full return of the cathedral to life is scheduled for December 7-8, 2024, when a grand opening ceremony will take place.