Dismissed ministers sold petrol to Uzbekistan

On 7 August President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov dismissed prosecutors Baijan Baijanov and Toilymyrat Yegenov with the wording “for poor performance of job-related responsibilities”. Correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” in Lebap velayat tried to find out the reasons behind the dismissal.

While occupying the post of the prosecutor of Koitendag etrap of Lebap velayat, Baijanov registered five residential houses, owned by the public utilities service to himself and his family members. He also wrote off and sold at depreciation value three tractors “Belarus” owned by the agricultural association to an individual.

It transpired that the equipment was bought by the prosecutor’s relatives residing in the city of Bairamali.

Abusing power, Yegenov, prosecutor of Dovletli etrap in Lebap velayat, purchased two houses, owned by the etrap’s public utilities department. Moreover, Yegenov bought a 4 room apartment in the centre of the city of Atamurat for his second wife.

Baijanov and Yegenov had joint business.They owned a herd of sheep and goats made up of 380 animals, 200 out of which were owned by Baijanov and 180 belonged to Yegenov.

Four shepherds were hired to attend to the cattle with the salary of 1000 manats per month.The agricultural associations named after Magtymguly and Azatlyk in Koitendag etrap paid salaries of shepherds for Baijanov and the agricultural association of Dashrabat in Dovletli etrap for Yegenov.

The prosecutors were also engaged in cigarette smuggling from the neighboring Uzbekistan. Russia-made cigarettes were imported through the border with Uzbekistan in the city of Talimarjan, which is divided by Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan border. The imported tobacco was handed over to privately-owned stores for further resale.

The investigative authorities laid special emphasis to the fact that the prosecutors, taking advantage of the proximity to the border, organized the sale of Turkmen petrol to the neighbouring country.

In the course of three months about 280 tons of A92 petrol was exported to Uzbekistan out of the quota allocated to Dovletli and Koytendag etraps.The investigation to look into the case is carried out by the Uzbek law enforcement officers.

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