Encourage agricultural production

Encourage agricultural production

The special agricultural land funds created in the regions of the country contribute to the wide involvement of the private sector in agricultural production.This is vividly exemplified by the Dashoguz velayat, in the economy of which agriculture plays an important role.

For example, in recent years, in S.Turkmenbashi etrap, which is one of the largest producers of basic agricultural crops, about a hundred individuals and legal entities have received land plots from the fund for use for a period of 99 years.

In total, over 26,000 hectares of land of the former Peasant Associations “Ak ýaýla”, “Ak altyn”, “Täze durmuş”, “Beýik Galkynyş” and some others have been transferred to them.

It should be noted that the bulk of these areas are currently in production. 70% of the allotted land are sown with wheat, cotton and other crops, and the remaining land for crop rotation is sown with other plants.

In Ruhubelent etrap, more than 170 commodity producers received land plots from the special land fund.

The policy pursued by the government to reform the national agro-industrial complex, the conditions created by them to ensure fruitful work, allowed private producers in a short time to make a significant contribution to successfully fulfill the tasks set to the Dashoguz velayat on the production of basic agricultural crops and significantly increase production of legumes and oleaginous plants.

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