EU Discusses Import of Gas from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan

EU Discusses Import of Gas from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan

The European Union and Turkey have discussed gas supplies from Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan to Europe via the Southern Gas Corridor, the Turkish newspaper Milliyet reported on Friday.

The meeting between Turkey and the EU on political dialogue was held in Ankara on Tuesday.

Among other issues that were discussed during the meeting, the sides negotiated gas supplies from the Caspian littoral states to meet the energy needs of Europe, the newspaper said.

At the same time, the Turkish side reminded the EU of the need for gas to pass through the Southern Gas Corridor.

The SGC, with an estimated investment cost of approximately $40 billion, includes development of the Shah Deniz gas field in the Caspian Sea and 3,500-km chain of pipelines consisting of three projects the South Caucasus Pipeline via Azerbaijan and Georgia, the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) across the Turkish territory and the TAP crossing Greece and Albania to reach Italy.

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