Fourth HIV cure in the world recorded in the United States

Fourth HIV cure in the world recorded in the United States

A New Yorker has become the fourth person in the world to be cured of HIV infection.According to mir24 with reference to the Daily Mail, American doctors were able to cure the woman with stem cell transplantation and cord blood transfusion.

The "New York Patient," as doctors at Weill Cornell New York-Presbyterian Medical Center call the recovered woman, became the world's first woman to overcome HIV.

According to the publication, in 2013 the patient was diagnosed with HIV, and four years later - leukemia.The woman was simultaneously receiving treatment to combat both diseases.As a treatment, she received a stem cell transplant from a donor with a rare virus-resistant mutation and a haploidentical umbilical cord transplant using the donor's umbilical cord blood and bone marrow.

After the course of treatment, the cancer went into remission, and repeated tests did not reveal HIV cells capable of reproducing.

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