Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov will give a number of concerts

Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov will give a number of concerts

Pianist, teacher, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov will give his solo concert in the regions of the country. The concert program includes works by Frederic Chopin.

According to the publication "Turkmenistan: Golden Age", the pianist's tour begins on May 17 with a concert at the new School of Arts in the city of Arkadag.

The next concert will take place on May 19 at the Mary School of Arts. On the same day, the pianist will give a concert at the Lebap School of Arts.

Admission to these concerts is free for everyone.

For the capital's public, V. Mkrtumov's concert will take place on May 22 in the concert hall of the Ashgabat Culture and Recreation Park. For questions about purchasing tickets for the Ashgabat concert, please call: (+99312) 22-38-98, +993 63 467177/514157, +993 61 338829, +993 64 037456.

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