Joint Military Field Exercises were...

Today, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the western region to observe the progress of joint military field exercises of the Armed Forces and other branches of the Armed Forces held at the Naval Training Center located on the territory of Turkmenbashi etrap.

In accordance with the special Plan, joint military tactical exercises were put on alert and organized in order to improve the professional skills of the personnel of the Armed Forces and other branches of the Armed Forces and to check the combat readiness of the National Army.

The forces on duty were informed about bringing the military units of the Ground Forces, the Air Force, the Air Defense Forces and the Naval Forces into combat readiness in accordance with the established procedure to solve the assigned tasks. The military command system has been promptly deployed, and actions have been coordinated with law enforcement agencies.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country familiarized himself with fighter jets and combat helicopters, cargo planes displayed at the territory of Turkmenbashi International Airport, as well as with the received modern modifications of new military aviation equipment.

Getting acquainted with the particularities of the presented air force arsenal, the head of state emphasized the sequence of strengthening the material and technical base of law enforcement agencies. In this context, it was noted the importance of systematic professional development of military personnel, including young soldiers managing military equipment, and officers.

Then the President of Turkmenistan arrived by helicopter to the venue of the military field exercises.

Here, the Minister of Defense, Secretary of the State Security Council B.Gundogdyev reported to the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the readiness of the personnel of the Armed Forces and other branches of the Armed Forces for joint military field exercises.

Then, the personnel of the country’s Armed Forces and other troops were put on alert to conduct joint military field exercises in order to test the combat capability of the National Army and improve the skills of military personnel.

With the help of the TürkmenÄlem 52oE artificial satellite, the flight trajectory and fire strikes of the drones involved in the current exercises, as well as tactical actions of the troops, are broadcast online on a special monitor.

The missile of the anti-aircraft battalion is targeted at a set trajectory. The target aircraft complex is a multi-purpose vehicle that simulates an enemy aircraft, designed to train and increase the combat capability of troops.

In accordance with the peculiarities of warfare on the coast, a unit, armed with a 120 mm mortar complex, occupies firing positions along the coast. Lighting mines appear in the airspace.

Anti-aircraft gunners on an armored personnel carrier launch projectile from the SAM and destroy an aerial target.

Units that have portable anti-aircraft missile systems at their disposal perform combat missions to cover and protect on the march and in battles of motorized, tank and other troops from sudden air attacks at close range.

It should also be noted that the Bayraktar TB2 unmanned aerial vehicle is being used for the first time in today’s exercises, the combat capabilities and aerial maneuverability of which are demonstrated on the screen via the TürkmenÄlem 52oE communication satellite.

The drone directs the missile and hits a conditional target a radar station with an accurate shot from a height of 5 thousand meters and a distance of 8 thousand meters.

Special importance in the current exercises is attached to the use of the forces of the “Türkmen edermen” special purpose units of the military and law enforcement agencies of the country in ensuring the military security of Turkmenistan.

From the left flank of the training ground, a group of “Türkmen edermen” special forces is moving quickly on special high-terrain vehicles and occupies combat positions in the established area. Snipers hit targets with high accuracy, demonstrating mastery of modern weapons. Having completed the task, the group gets into the cars and leaves the landfill.

According to the mission of the military field exercises, with the help of a combat drone being at the disposal of the Armed Forces, it is planned to destroy a conditional target, corresponding a coastal missile system.

By means of the control unit of the complex, the strike drone is brought out to attack the combat area and is aimed at the target.

This unmanned aerial vehicle is destined for silent and stealthy enemy attacks, the destruction of various kinds of hard-to-reach objects, ground, surface targets, and enemy manpower.

Capabilities of one of the modern types of anti-aircraft missile system having in service the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan and destined to counter group attacks in conditions of strong electronic interference, the destruction of drones, jet planes, helicopters, air-to-ground missiles and cruise missiles, and guided aerial bombs were demonstrated during the exercises.

On combat vehicles, the “Türkmen edermen” special forces of the Ministry of Defense take a position to conduct a barrage. Combat crews are firing heavy machine guns at group targets representing manpower. Thanks to machine gunners, assault groups attack and perform special tactical maneuvers. Under the cover of machine-gun fire, a battalion of grenade launchers hits armored targets.

As a result of the special attention paid to the modernization of the material and technical base, the Armed Forces of the country’s Air Force provide reliable protection of the airspace, sea and land borders of Turkmenistan.

As it’s known, in July 2021, the Hero-Arkadag made a test flight on an M-346 combat aircraft and, masterfully controlling a supersonic aircraft, brought it to the desired height in a matter of seconds and performed several turns.

And so, during the current exercises in the sky over the training ground, two M-346 fighters demonstrate special flight tactics and ways to disable enemy equipment, aircraft and helicopters, as well as strategic targets.

It also involves aircraft that have recently entered service with the Armed Forces of the country, the primary task of which is to conduct reconnaissance flights to identify targets.

Then, at the appointed time, on the right side of the polygon, a conditional artillery group is destroyed from the aircraft with the help of high-precision navigation bombs.

Stormtroopers continue the attack to support ground troops, delivering missile strikes, disabling a column of armored vehicles.

Monitoring the progress of joint military field exercises, maintaining communication between military units through the latest technical means and a digital system make it possible to ensure the effective nature and full assessment of actions at the training ground.

This clearly shows that the material and technical base of the Armed Forces and other troops of the country is being modernized in accordance with the requirements of the time.

Then a bomb is dropped on a conditional target from the air and field ammunition, weapons depots on the right side of the landfill are eliminated.

Stormtroopers maneuver in accordance with the tactics of conducting air combat, aircraft are divided into pairs to defeat conventional targets representing an artillery group.

Air Force helicopters, which attack and destroy a convoy of vehicles on the right side of the landfill, are called in to carry out the combat mission.

On the left side of the polygon, with the support of a shooting group, flamethrowers are moving on high-terrain vehicles. Having arrived at the planned combat line, they, having promptly taken up combat positions, open fire on a conditional target, which is a long-term defensive point, and disable it.

The military field exercises are continued by the warships of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of the country, which reliably protect peace and security in the Caspian Sea. Edermen and Gaýratly missile vessels, as well as other naval strike groups are conducting a massive attack to disable target warships in the sea.

At the appointed time, high-precision missiles are launched and aimed at a strategically important surface target.

On the left side of the training ground, “Türkmen edermen” special forces groups of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan storm buildings and structures in the city and begin a tactical operation to neutralize illegally armed groups.

At this moment, a group of ships lined up in a special combat formation demonstrates the tactics of naval combat. The Deňizhan corvette, equipped with the latest types of technology, releases an ultra-precise torpedo at great depth and hits a conditional target, meaning a detected submarine.

The naval battle continues with the opening of fire by the artillery guns of the ship’s armament at accumulated and individual surface targets. Vessels of the Armed Forces of the Navy and the State Border Guard Service operating in the sea open effective fire from artillery guns at aboveground targets.

The air defense forces in the airspace of the sea borders identify the target.

In modern warfare, new types of warfare have appeared, including the use of drones that fly at different altitudes and are used to gather intelligence.

At this time, a small-sized air target appeared, destroyed by an anti-aircraft missile system being at the disposal of the Air Defense Forces.

Special purpose groups are considered elite, their personnel are distinguished by a high level of physical and special training, performs strategically important tasks.

A special firing platform is equipped in front of the command post for the “Türkmen edermen” special purpose groups of the country’s military and law enforcement agencies.Having launched an attack on a special vehicle at their disposal, as well as on Kirpi-class armored vehicles, the fighters open fire on special targets at a set distance, demonstrating their combat skills.

Acting from the left flank, they deliver accurate strikes at various targets.

The servicemen of these units use modern military vehicles at their disposal, which are designed to successfully solve tasks in particularly difficult conditions in desert, mountain, forest zones, in populated areas, and are distinguished by their reliability and high cross-country ability.

“Türkmen edermen” special purpose groups of the Ministries of National Security and Internal Affairs demonstrate maneuvers to rescue a ship taken hostage at sea.

The “Türkmen edermen” special forces unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is conducting a special operation to clear the ship from the enemy.

At the appointed time, groups of “Türkmen edermen” special purpose of military and law enforcement agencies from a helicopter, from a height of 1,500 meters, successfully perform a parachute jump to a set point.

Thus, the personnel of the military and law enforcement agencies clearly demonstrated a high level of combat training and skill.

Then the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov watched the solemn parade on the occasion of the successful holding of joint military field exercises.

The military reforms carried out in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state have led to a consistent increase in the level of combat readiness of the National Army and the professionalism of military personnel.

The strengthening of the material and technical base of law enforcement agencies, the availability of the most modern military equipment, the successful implementation of the defensive Military doctrine are factors of peaceful life on Turkmen soil.

Groups of special purpose “Türkmen edermen” of the country’s military and law enforcement agencies pass by armored vehicles, and the special forces unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs passes with specially trained Turkmen Alabai.

The parade decoration also became the Edermen and Gaýratly rocket ships of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces. At the same time, military helicopters are flying over the sea borders in the airspace.

Today, defenders of the Fatherland, effectively using the conditions created by the state for service and life, successfully solve the tasks of maintaining peace and protecting the sacred borders of the Homeland, including the sea.

The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country noted the high level of organization of joint military field exercises.

The officers expressed their sincere gratitude to the head of state, who demonstrates a high example of love for the Motherland, for taking care of the servicemen and assured that they would make every effort to adequately continue the primordial national principles of patriotism in the spirit of the present time.

Then President Serdar Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with various types of military equipment presented at the Naval Training Center, including the latest models of aircraft, drones, etc.

In recent years, thanks to measures taken at the state level, the material and technical base of the National Army has been significantly modernized, its power has been strengthened, favorable conditions for the service and life of servicemen have been created.

Much attention is paid to the training of highly qualified personnel, advanced practical developments and a digital system are being introduced into the training process.

As the head of Turkmenistan underlined, the state will continue to carry out comprehensive work in this direction, which will contribute to maintaining peace and turning the borders of the Motherland into the borders of friendship and brotherhood.

The Defenders of the Homeland expressed sincere gratitude to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces for his great attention to the development of the National Army and assured that they would be faithful to the military oath and successfully fulfill the sacred mission of protecting peace and tranquility in the country.

Wishing everyone success in fulfilling the responsible task of protecting the Homeland, President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Serdar Berdimuhamedov left the venue.

After completing a working trip to Balkan velayat, the head of state arrived at Turkmenbashi International Airport, from where he flew to the capital.

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