Long-livers of Turkmenistan share principles to help stay vigorous after 100 years

Long-livers of Turkmenistan share principles to help stay vigorous after 100 years

People who have crossed the centenary always arouse the interest of the general public. They are revered, they are always in the spotlight.

There are plenty of examples in our country - today we are sharing with you the secrets of their longevity.

It is noteworthy that their biographies have a lot in common, they are contemporaries of all the greatest upheavals of the 20th century - two world wars, a civil war, the transition to the Russian Empire, the formation of the USSR and its collapse.

Ajapsoltan Hajieva, 121 years old.

She has 3 children, 28 grandchildren, 67 great-grandchildren and 32 great-great-grandchildren.

She believes that the secret of longevity is in work and movement. According to her daughter-in-law, she never sits idle, always finds something to do.

- My mother died very early.We were very young children.We had to learn how to do housework.I remember I was small, and I had to insert a stool or bricks under my feet in order to reach the tamdyr,” says the long-liver. - She is not picky about food, but she never took medicine, even now it is not easy to convince her to take a pill, - says the daughter-in-law.

It is worth noting that Ajapsoltan Ene's father and brothers were also long-livers. Therefore, in her case, heredity played an important role.

Sapartach Nuryeva - resident of Akdepa district of Dashoguz velayat, 114 years old.

She has 5 daughters, 1 son, 25 grandchildren, 79 great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-grandchildren.

Hard work, honesty is the secret of longevity, says the long-liver.

- Our youth fell on hard times. We worked during the day, at night after we came home from work, we studied. Then it was called Educational program. Now is a good time.

Get rid of anxiety and keep your heart young!, advises Annabagt Annalieva, a resident of the village of Igdyr in the Bereket etrap of Balkan velayat. She is 108 years old.

She has 2 sons, 3 daughters, 49 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren.

-When the war began, all who could hold a weapon in their hand went to the front, there were no men left in the village to work.We ourselves grew melons, watermelons, wheat and harvested ourselves.

We milked the camels and gave milk to the state, knitted gloves and socks under an oil lamp and sent them to the front.We collected firewood in the Karakum Desert and sent it to orphanages and hospitals.

But all the same, we did not get tired and were cheerful in spirit.Doing good deeds and receiving sincere words of gratitude in return is happiness.The secret of longevity is peace of mind.

There is a good way to get rid of anxiety: you should always communicate with people sincerely.I do this every day.The heart must be kept young, the soul must not grow old.

You need to open your heart to people, always smile, - says Annalieva.

Mihail Hachaturov - resident of Ashgabat, 102 years old

Life is good if you have a soul mate and a favorite job, says Mihail Hachaturov. This affects life expectancy.

- To live long, you need to do three things: exercise, eat right, and spend time with sincere people.I'm not picky about food.I eat, which requires appetite and soul.

And I eat pilaf and dumplings.Every day I do morning exercises, walk a little.Heredity may also affect life expectancy.My aunt was 100 years old.

My grandparents also lived for about 100 years.God willing, I will turn 103 this December, but I feel very young.I still have a lot to do.

And this inspires me, - says Mihail Mihailovich.

Meretgul Gylydzhova - resident of Kaahka village of Ahal velayat, 101 years old.

She has 1 son, 6 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and 10 great-great-grandchildren.

The ability to thank, work and faith are the secret of longevity in her opinion.

- Labor educates a person.You need to always be on the move, you need to eat right.My grandchildren are my main joy in life.Looking at them, I remember my past.

I am happy that my children are now living in a good time.A person must believe in tomorrow, give thanks for today.Every night, falling asleep, I believe that tomorrow I will see my babies, and if not, then it is the will of Allah.

You need to try to enjoy even the simplest things.We have seen hard times and thank God now are good times.Appreciate this life, work honestly, live honestly.

It is also necessary to go to bed early and get up early, move a lot, advises M.Gylyjova.

Aydogdy Amadyev, Mary etrap, 103 years old.

The veteran of the Great Patriotic War sees the secret of a long life in the care of loved ones and the absence of bad habits.

“I am always surrounded by the love of children, numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and I have always tried to lead a healthy lifestyle, perhaps this is a secret,” he says. - Well, and, of course, work.

After the war, we had to work very hard.Life was full of worries and difficulties.Therefore, work for my generation has become the most important rule of life.

The stories of people over 100 years old prove that the secret to a long and fulfilling life is far from nutrition or an athletic lifestyle. By their example, they show us that inner attitude and interest are the driving force that prolongs life in a person.

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