On the Ulag Ýük Hyzmatlary website, international transportation is available in just one click

On the Ulag Ýük Hyzmatlary website, international transportation is available in just one click

The new online service Ulag Ýük Hyzmatlary simplifies the entire process of organizing transportation - from finding contractors and customers to guaranteeing the safety and security of goods.

Enterprises and entrepreneurs who have been registered in the system will have access to a large database of verified carriers and the opportunity to apply for the carriage of goods by any means of transport.

For carrier companies, working with the online platform provides access to a large up-to-date database of orders, ensuring their loading and freeing them from the need to plan their routes in advance.

Digitalization of logistics processes is an integral process of the digital economy. Together with Ulag Ýük Hyzmatlary, you will be able to provide always high-quality services, reduce transportation costs and do the job correctly and efficiently.

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