Personnel reshuffle in structure of agencies of Turkmen prosecutor’s office

Personnel reshuffle in structure of agencies of Turkmen prosecutor’s office

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Jan. 11

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made personnel reshuffle in the structure of agencies of the prosecutor’s office, the Turkmen government said in a message Jan. 11.

In accordance with the presidential decrees, Dovletmuhammet Murrikov and Alymuhammet Akmammedov were appointed deputy prosecutors general of Turkmenistan.

Serdar Myalikgulyev was appointed prosecutor of Ashgabat city, Bayrambay Yagmyrov - prosecutor of Lebap district, Maksat Alimov - deputy prosecutor of the Balkan district, Kakadjan Amanmyradov - prosecutor of Turkmenbashi city, Djemshit Yangyberdiev - prosecutor of Gumdag city, Nedjep Tayliev - prosecutor of Bayramali city.

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