Regional curators appointed in Turkmenistan

Regional curators appointed in Turkmenistan

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Apr. 17

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a decree appointing a number of deputy prime ministers to supervise the country’s regions.

Batyr Atdayev will be a curator of the Ahal region, Bayram Annameredov will curate the Balkan region and Esenmyrat Orazgeldiyev will curate the Dashoguz region.

Also, Batyr Ereshov was appointed as the curator of the country’s Lebap region, Byashim Hojamammedov curator of the Mary region and Dadebay Amangeldyev curator of Ashgabat.

The document states that this will increase curators’ responsibility for the socio-economic development of the country.

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