Representatives of Turkmenistan exchange cybersecurity experience with foreign countries

Representatives of Turkmenistan exchange cybersecurity experience with foreign countries

Representatives of the “Turkmenaragatnashyk” Agency, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics and a number of other relevant ministries and departments of Turkmenistan are taking part in a two-day international video conference on cybersecurity that has opened in Vienna today, held online by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

In the modern world, information and communication technologies have developed rapidly. They are widely used in key spheres of life of the state and society.

Turkmenistan is implementing the Concept for the Development of the Digital Economy in 2019-2025, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the national economic complex and the social sphere of the country.

Turkmen specialists, studying and mastering advanced experience and progressive practices, are guided by the creation of their own digital model based not only on the import of ready-made solutions and know-how, but also on their scientific and technological potential.

At the same time, the active use of the global Internet and other constituent elements of cyberspace entails the emergence of new potential threats.In order to protect national “cyber sovereignty” and prevent malicious hacker attacks, in 2019 our country adopted the Law on Cybersecurity, which defines the procedure and specifics of ensuring the security of information infrastructure in strategically important industries.

A Cybersecurity Service was created in the structure of the “Turkmenaragatnashyk” agency, and special departments in the structures of the ministries. Along with this, IT specialists are trained in some educational institutions.

Much attention is paid to the establishment of international cooperation in the field of cybersecurity, as evidenced by the participation of representatives of Turkmenistan in meetings and seminars organized by international organizations, in particular, the OSCE, the State News Agency reports.

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