Sinalco is preparing a new year's eve promotion with a prize draw

Sinalco is preparing a new year's eve promotion with a prize draw

The company for the production of carbonated soft drinks "MAHMAL ZIP" announces a new year's promotion for drawing prizes. The promotion starts on December 7 and ends on January 3 next year.

To participate in the prize draw, you will need to collect three red caps from any Sinalco brand drinks and exchange them for a scratch card. By erasing the corresponding strip on it, you can win a variety of prizes.

In total, more than 30 thousand gifts are awarded: from Sinalco drinks, t-shirts and notebooks, and other necessary "trifles" with the brand's logo to TVs, washing machines and other equipment.

You will be able to purchase scratch cards at any point where Sinalco products are sold. If you win your prize, you can contact special prize distribution points (there are seventeen of them planned to open in the city).

In addition, Sinalco has launched an entertainment mobile app with a new year theme. It will be available for download in the Play Market and Appstore. This app will be especially interesting for children.

For more detailed information about the promotion, follow the link.

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