The President opens the Khalk Maslakhaty session and discusses the restructuring of Turkmenistan’s agricultural sector

On 25 September the session of Turkmenistan’s Khalk Maslakhaty was opened under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov.

The state information agency TDH reports that when addressing the attendees, the head of state emphasized that investments are the main tool for facilitating the development of the economy.

The President also reminded that the construction works for Ashgabat city and the new capital of Akhal were launched. He reported that new manufacturing facilities had been built in Turkmenistan.

Moving to the topic of agriculture, Berdymukhammedov drew attention of the forum’s participants to fundamental reforms in agriculture and improving the management of the agro-industrial complex.

According to the President, quoted by the news outlet, “numerous resources and opportunities in this field remain unused”.

Let us recall that the Khalk Maslakhaty (the People’s Council) was reinstated in 2018.

The Elders’ Council had previously performed similar functions.At the first session of the People’s Council the head of state abolished free quotas for public utilities starting from 1 January 2019.

A year ago the President also raised the issue of the agro-industrial complex.Berdymukahmmedov highlighted that “the performance of the agricultural sector is lower than expected” and put forward a proposal to restructure it.

More on the situation in Turkmenistan’s agricultural sector is available in the article “The struggle of Turkmenistan’s agriculture by “Chronicles of Turkmenistan”

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