The third volume of the book “Memory” was published in Turkmenistan

The third volume of the book “Memory” was published in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan has published the third volume of the book Hatyra (“Memory”), dedicated to the memory of the Turkmen soldiers who heroically fought in the battles for the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, who fell on the battlefields, who died from injuries in hospitals, and who went missing.

About this was reported in today's newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”.

As it is known, the first Hatyra book was published in 1993-1998. The indisputable advantage of its reprint is the systematization of existing data, their addition and placement in alphabetical order, which facilitates access to information.

The third volume is dedicated to the memory of the heroes of Turkmenistan from the Dashoguz velayat. It includes documentary materials of the military commissariats of Turkmenistan and other CIS countries, social welfare departments of cities and etraps of the Dashoguz velayat, memoirs of war veterans, personal data, scientific publications, periodicals, and also information from relatives.

In accordance with archival data, more than 200 thousand soldiers went to the front from Turkmenistan during the years of the war, including about 30 thousand from the Dashoguz velayat. Of these, more than 8 thousand people died and went missing.

The book contains letters from the front, and poems created both during the war years and today.

In the new edition, in addition to information about the date and place of birth, death and burial, the rank of a soldier, data are provided on the place and year of his conscription into the army.

The third volume was supplemented with photo illustrations, telling not only about the exploits of the Turkmen soldiers, but also about the heroic everyday life in the rear, and photographs of memorial monuments located in the region, found in the archives.

Prepared for printing by the Main Archive Department under the Cabinet of Ministers, the book was published by the Turkmen State Publishing Service and is intended for a wide readership.

Let us remind that the second volume of the book “Memory” was released in December last year and is dedicated to the memory of the heroes of Turkmenistan from Ashgabat and Ahal velayat.

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