Turkmen Private Companies Consider Possibility of Obtaining Fitch’s Credit Rating

Turkmen Private Companies Consider Possibility of Obtaining Fitch’s Credit Rating

Representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET) on Thursday held online negotiations with consultants of Fitch Ratings Inc, a leading American credit rating agency.

According to the UIET’s press release, the meeting participants discussed the issues of obtaining a Fitch credit rating by private enterprises - members of the UIET.

The consultants were provided with information on the activities and export opportunities of Turkmen private business enterprises.At the same time, it was noted that the production of the finished products is currently a priority.

In this regard, the parties particularly considered the possibilities of agricultural producers specializing in the manufacture of new types of food products, as well as the implementation of projects that received loans.

Fitch experts conduct an in-depth analysis of the financial stability of various issuers, drawing conclusions about their ability to pay interest on financial liabilities, which considerably simplifies work of private investors.

The Fitch credit rating has a positive effect on the image of product manufacturers and helps to attract investors.

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