Turkmenistan, Afghanistan sign agreement on electricity supply

Turkmenistan, Afghanistan sign agreement on electricity supply

Baku, Azerbaijan, Oct. 13

By Rashid Shirinov Trend:

Signing of the agreement between the energy ministries of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan for the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan transmission line project took place In Ashgabat, according to Turkmenistan Today.

The foundation-laying ceremony of this energy bridge was held in February with the participation of the heads of state and government of the countries involved. At this stage, issues related to the laying of transmission lines on the territory of neighboring states were agreed.

In particular, the agreement defines the volume of electricity that will be supplied to Afghanistan via the new transmission line 300 megawatts to Herat and Kandahar cities each.

In the future, they are planned to increase to 1,000 megawatts.

For years Afghanistan has been receiving electricity and liquefied gas from Turkmenistan at discounted prices via the YmamnazarAndkhoy and SerhetabatHerat transmission lines. This summer, Rabat-KashanKalay-Nau border transmission line with a capacity of 100 megawatts per hour was commissioned for the supply of Turkmen electricity to Northern Afghanistan.

"A lot of work has been done to implement this project, within the framework of which the Turkmen specialists have built a number of power supply facilities, including substations and transmission lines with a total length of 112 kilometers," Turkmenistan Today noted.

In addition, a protocol of intent was signed between the energy ministries of the two countries on the construction of the Kerki-Hamyap-Garkyn transmission line.

According to the program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan, it is planned to increase the total volume of electricity to be produced in the country in the next seven years to 33 billion kilowatt-hours.

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