Turkmenistan Airlines Boeing 757 Makes Emergency Landing in Ashgabat

Turkmenistan Airlines Boeing 757 Makes Emergency Landing in Ashgabat

In the evening of November 22, Turkmenistan Airlines flight T5-703 had to return to Ashgabat shortly after taking off for Moscow.The Boeing 757 had problems with an engine soon after takeoff, a passenger on the flight told turkmen.news.

The plane disposed of fuel over the desert and then landed successfully in the Turkmen capital on just one engine.The Turkmen plane with failed engine.Image by Sardor Durumov (Jetphotos)The reasons for the incident are not known.

The plane, tail number EZ-A011, is no longer new, having been in use for 26 years.The passengers were flown to Moscow on another plane (tail number EZ-A015) with a six-hour delay.

The Flightradar service did not record the departure of the Boeing 757 for Moscow, perhaps because the pilots had yet to turn on the transponders.The plane had flown to Turkmenbashi and back that morning.

As far as we know, the airplane has not flown since the incident, though between November 17 and 22 it made several flights a day, including to Moscow.

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