Turkmenistan's scientists discuss water treatment issues

Turkmenistan's scientists discuss water treatment issues

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, July 14

By Huseyn Hasanov - Trend:

The "Rational and Efficient Use of Water Resources - the Basis of Sustainable Development" conference was held at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper reported.

In particular, it was about the technology of sewage and industrial water treatment, the possibility of reusing collector-drainage water for the cultivation of salt-tolerant halophyte plants to strengthen the forage base of sheep breeding and to improve the salinity of pastures near the "Altyn Asyr" lake.

The conference, in particular, discussed a unique hydrotechnical structure erected in the center of the Karakum Desert - the lake, which is located in the natural Karashor dent, which is 103 kilometers long and 18 kilometers wide. Earlier it was reported that the first stage of the reservoir was put into operation in 2009.

This project is estimated at several billion dollars. Collector-drainage effluents formed within the Mary, Akhal and Balkan regions, previously accumulated in the lowlands of the Karakum sand, flooding and reducing, among other desert pastures.

Turkmen’s scientists believe that the creation of this large artificial pond will improve the meliorative state of irrigated areas of Turkmenistan, increase the productivity of agriculture and prevent soil salinization.

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