Women and children are involved to fight corruption in Turkmenistan

A meeting devoted to the fight against corruption and raising the younger generation “Honest work happy life” was held on 23 May, the news outlet “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” reports.

The meeting was devoted to the execution of the objectives set out by the President on May 12.On that day President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov ordered large-scale cleansing in the government and the Prosecutor’s office which resulted in the dismissal of about 50 officials.

In her address The Mejlis Chairperson Akdja Nurberdyeva was very disappointed that there are females among those involved in corruption. To avoid recurrent cases in the future, public associations and the Central Board of the Women’s Union need to carry out active work.

The next speaker, head of the department in Turkmenistan’s State University named after Magtumguly Atadjan Burunov, highlighted the importance of introducing subjects devoted to a code of conduct, ethics, legal studies and a review of legislation regulating the issues of youth labour education in the curricula of secondary schools and higher educational establishments.

It should be noted that the speeches were accompanied by standing ovations, and one of the female participants performed a song dedicated to the President’s mother.

Let us recall that at the Cabinet session on 18 May Berdymukhammedov “ordered tougher recruitment criteria for high-ranking officials and improved moral consciousness of residents”.

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