20.08.2017 | Animal Care Center Created to Support Animal Rights Movement

Thanks to consideration by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, all the conditions are being provided in Turkmenistan for civil, private and management initiatives.Encouraging compatriots to develop a conscious, responsible approach, the head of state always stresses that it is the concerned attitude towards everything around us be it order and cleanliness in the streets of cities and villages, or the beauty and diversity of the nature of our motherland, or the animal life in need of care that always springs good deeds.

One example of such concern is a public initiative on creating a care center for homeless pets that immediately received state support.This is not because volunteers were not active before.

They were and are, however, this was the first time they formally asked the state authorities for support, and the latter accommodated the request.The volunteers were guided by the Ministry of Economy and Development towards the official registration of the new organization, and it also facilitated processing of all required documents.

The sides also joined efforts in choosing the name of the organization, Umytlar adasy (Island of Hope), that was registered by the official bodies of Turkmenistan.The project drew attention of other agencies that, for their part, expressed the willingness to support this noble endeavor.

For instance, the State Committee for Environmental Protection and Land Resources decided to allocate a land plot in the buffer zone outside Ashgabat to build aviaries and other relevant infrastructure.

The Ministry of Healthcare and Medical Industry sent pharmaceuticals and medical supplies needed to take care of the animals.Medications and vaccines for the pets were contributed by the State Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan.

Such humanitarian campaign was dedicated to the International Homeless Animals’ Day that is marked globally on the third Saturday of August.The date was reserved in the calendars upon the initiative by the International Society for Animal Rights.

The Organization made this proposal in 1992, and it was supported by animal welfare organizations worldwide.This date is not a holiday, rather an occasion to address homeless animals’ issues that are important for many, many countries, including the most developed ones.

The Ministry of Communal Services of Turkmenistan also responded to the project, viewing Island of Hope sole proprietorship as a partner organization.Business circles also offered to help.

Cheper Hyzmat business company, a member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, was one of them.Among those willing to contribute to the project were several restaurants of the capital.

Leftovers and waste products will be sent to feed the pets at Island of Hope Center.Moreover, the initiative to create the sole proprietorship that will be the first official organization to engage in care and search of new owners for homeless animals in Turkmenistan also received attention abroad.

The relevant statement by the Turkmen internet media was taken up by the leading news agencies and TV channels.Island of Hope as a project is an encouragement not to stay indifferent to homeless animals that lost their owners due to circumstances.

The project is exceptional because since the launch it attracted so many volunteers and supporters; those who may have wanted to address the problem before but did now know how.

If for some reason it is impossible to take home a dog or a car, people can always volunteer at the pet shelter and walk the dogs or play with cats, bring them gifts or help around.

At Island of Hope, one of major objectives is promoting the animal ethics including standards of animal care; compulsory vaccination in compliance with all sanitary requirements; and sterilization of stray cats and dogs.

The new center is intended for examination and treatment of homeless animals; accommodation, sustainment and training.With this in view, besides initial quarantine units and aviaries, it is planned to open a veterinary clinic, a playground, a training ground over time.

They also intend to provide a temporary shelter for pets whose owners will be going on vacation.Certainly, for these plans to come to fruition, the Center will need further public support, and there is every reason to believe that it can count on it.

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