Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals: Strategy of Qualitive

Large-scale and comprehensive reforms, which makes firm foundation of stable growth in all branches and regions, integration of the country in the world economic system, are carried out steadily in the course of social and economic strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, which is aimed at the improvement of well-being of the citizens of Turkmenistan.

According to the main targets at diversification and comprehensive modernization of national economy, it is transited to industrial and innovative way of development by the expansion of investment activity.

The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which are described in the global Agenda 2030 adopted by all country members of the United Nations, is one of the main priorities of the policy of Turkmen leader.

Last month, Turkmenistan has presented Voluntary National Report on fulfilment of the SDGs at High-level Political Forum in the UN Headquarter in New York.We have addressed the leading specialists of the Ministry of Finances and Economics of Turkmenistan for the comments of the main moments of this report as the importance of the SDGs as a component of the policy of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

We offer you the review prepared with their participation.The issues of sustainable development are very current for all countries in the world including for Turkmenistan.As is known, the Sustainable Development Goals have been nationalized on the Government level and have been significantly adapted in the state policy.

National programmes, strategies and plans in the country include steadfast implementation of the SDGs as one of the main directions.National programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan until 2030, new edition of National Programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020, Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 2025 and other strategies are aimed at the achievement of the SDGs and reflect the objectives of the Global Agenda 2030.

For example, the Programme of social and economic development of Turkmenistan for the next seven years, which was adopted in February 2019, is oriented at rapid transit to market infrastructure as to internal base of economic system and necessary component of the market.

It is represented by the combination of facilities and organizations providing unstoppable movement of goods, services, finances, technologies, work force, etc.Its creation will allow diversifying export capabilities of the branches of real section, reforming property relations, expanding the sphere of the population’s occupancy, involving small and medium entrepreneurship more actively in national economy.

Directions of sustainable development also provide structural changes of industrial sector and service sphere, which are the locomotive of the economy of the country.President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to the support of high technological production facilities for making of goods with high-added value.

The processes of privatization of state-owned facilities, restructuring of enterprises using advanced scientific and technological achievements in management and production sphere are continued.The Head of the State proposes the renovation of the management system by the expansion and wider implementation of digitization as the base for improvement of economic model of the country.

In this regard, addressing the Speaker of the Mejlis during video conference working session, the President of Turkmenistan highlighted that proper systematization and development of new legislation are required in the context of digitization of national economy.

It is important to understand what is required while solving this subject, the Head of the State noted.The country has a complicated task to develop innovative technologies.

We characterized it as the programme of transit to digital economy, outlined its starting point, the Head of the State said.However, necessary legal foundation is required to enter this level.

Steadfast work for increment of volumes of export goods and development of local markets is carried out for increment of the export potential and reduction of import dependence.Therefore, realization of planned programme activities will allow forming up sufficient and developed market infrastructure in Turkmenistan and integrating to the global economic system more actively, significantly increasing foreign trade, implementing widely innovative technologies to all spheres of production, enhancing the competiveness of our producers.

In its turn, it will make the prepositions for transit to informational society, which will make positive effect on long-term economic stability and will significantly increase the level of economic power of our state.

All these directions of development of Turkmenistan and the main achievements of the country in the SDGs are laid out in the Voluntary National Report, which was presented at the High-level Political Forum on the subject “Expansion of rights and capabilities of people and provision of comprehensive coverage and equality” in the UN Headquarter in July 2019.

The report cities the initiatives and proposals of the President of Turkmenistan related to sustainable development in regional and international level in such priority directions as transport section, energy and ecology.

At the same time, the application of innovative approach, which is expressed in the analysis of relations between global tasks and national indicators are distinguishing feature of the Voluntary National Report.

It is worth to mention that preparation of the Report was forestalled by systematic and fruitful work of all main ministries and departments of the country based on developed mechanism of attraction of all interested sides and society to the process of the achievements of the goals.

Interdepartmental working group composed of the state facilities of the country with participation of the UN agencies, representatives of scientific circles, business, public organizations has organized the consultations on each of 17 goals and made an analysis of the relativeness of the goals and indicators of the SDGs to national context.

The assessment of the level of reflection of the SDGs in national programmes, strategies, plans, which showed that 84 percent of the SDGs objectives were reflected in existing state programmes of the country has been carried out.

Book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan on the Way for Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals”, which was presented to the world community at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly was the base during preparation of the Voluntary National Review.

The work of the Head of the State was a unique example of the commitment of our country to the goals and objectives set by the world community in realization of the Global agenda 2030.

The book also captures important achievements of Turkmenistan for the past period and outlines new objectives of the SDGs.Coordination of work between the ministries and departments for preparation of the Voluntary National Review, gathering of data, analysis of the reports on fulfilment off the SDGs was carried out by the Ministry of Finances and Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In this case, it is necessary to note that specialized SDG Training and Methodical Centre, which develops relative programmes, guiding and other materials for schools, professional technical and high educational institutes has become an important educational and information facility for improvement of the awareness in the Sustainable Development Goals sphere.

Cluster goals related to qualitative education (Goal No. 4), deserving work and economic growth (Goal No. 8), inequality reduction (Goal No. 10), combating against the climate change (Goal No. 13), peace, justice and efficient institutes (Goal No. 16), partnership for sustainable development (Goal No. 17) have been presented in the Voluntary National Review of Turkmenistan.

Each section has been supplemented with the analysis of relation of reviewed Goals with other objectives of the SDGs, outlines the mechanisms with high level of impact for more efficient implementation in the country.

In general, it can be stated that due to realization of well-thought and far-seeing policy of Turkmen leader, the country has achieved significant results in economic, social and ecological spheres in the SDGs.

For example, increase in the birth rate in the country with low level of death, positive indicators for provision of the population with available and qualitative medical services are the evidence of successful implementation of the State Health Programme.

Number of medical centres and hospitals, which are provide with latest equipment and hardware, is growing.Legal measures and comprehensive preventive work have reduced the consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

According to the studies of the World Health Organization, the indicators of the adult population who used tobaccos is on 3.4 percent level.This is the lowest spread of harm habit in the world.

Staged work for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals into all big projects, which are oriented to the provision of dynamic and stable development of our state for long period is carried out in Turkmenistan.

For example, our country has 12-year secondary education system.High results, 90.9 percent, have been achieved in the aspect of the children development of physical health, education and psychosocial wealth.

New schools, secondary special and high educational institutes, which according to the orders of the Head of the State have to meet modern requirements of the educational process, are built.

Every year, the share of private sector in Turkmen economy is growing.Great attention is paid to the safety and human rights.Plenty of money is sent to the implementation of green technologies to the production and infrastructure.

All of these allow supporting socially oriented and inclusive economic growth, which was 6.3 percent by the results of the first half of the year.The rate of economic growth is forecasted by 8.2 percent by 2025.

National Programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020, which is aimed at the maximum enhancement of life level in rural areas.The rights and capabilities of women are expanded.

The equality of the capabilities and comprehensive participation of women in economic, political and cultural life of the country is provided.Turkmenistan pays special attention to the creation of conditions for building of democratic and inclusive society, which is based on the supremacy of the law for provision of the main freedoms of human.

National Action Plan for combating human trafficking has been implemented, integrated scheme for combating against the corruption has been developed.The Institute for Authorised Representative for Human Rights, the Ombudsmen, has been established.

National Action Plan for Human Rights and number of other important programmes in this direction are under implementation.President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention to the development of joint activities aimed at the solution of such topical issues as international terrorism, human trafficking, organized crime, illegal drug sale, mass destruction weapon spread in provision of national and international security.

Turkmenistan has supported the Addis Ababa Financing Action Programme in the financing of the Global Agenda.Today, the local state financial resources are the main source of the financing of the SDGs.

At the same time, great attention is paid to the attraction of foreign investments and resources of private section.Taking into account the importance of the monitoring of the progress of the SDGs, the country works on the improvement of statistical potential and creation of national base of the SDGs indicators.

We will not be able to plan next measures for the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals without the information about our progress.Further measures for implementation of the SDGs in our country will be aimed at the stable development of all branches of the economy, provision of dynamic growth rates, intensification of the integration of Turkmenistan to the world community, strengthening of social protection of the population and growth of the wellbeing of the population.

Therefore, steadfast movement to the achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals is clearly seen in the policy implemented by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.Having expressive orientation, it is based on huge economic potential of the state and includes various aspects, which is united by the common goal happy life of people and every human being.

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