An open lesson on scenic speech or Turkmen tongue twisters as a way to improve diction

An open lesson on scenic speech or Turkmen tongue twisters as a way to improve diction

Center for Cultural Development “Forum” invites to an online lecture on scenic speech. An open lesson will take place on January 23 on the Internet platform KULTURA.RF. The webinar will be held by the Gnome Children’s Theater Director Olga Bezhina, jointly with young actors.

The master class presenter will tell how to do a warm-up for the voice, work on the depth and technique of breathing in colloquial and scenic speech.The director will also pay attention to intonations in the reading of poems and prose passages.

Anyone can attend the virtual lesson.Take a notebook and pen before lesson to write down helpful tips and exercises.

The language and speech are the means of human communication: sometimes it is not so important what you say, but the main thing is how you do it.Controlling your own breathing and speaking technique allows you to make your voice confident and strong.

Learning to speak beautifully is the same as finding a “key” to the ability to correctly and clearly express your thoughts.

Students of theater studios pay great attention to vocal training, says Myahrigozel Atdayeva, a scenic speech teacher at the Turkmen State Institute of Culture.The teaching acting practice includes a cycle of exercises for breathing, rhythm, articulation, correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Elimination of muscle contractions is also important for the fullness of the voice.Therefore, speech technique classes always begin with loosening the muscles of the body.A straight back and straightened shoulders open up the diaphragm, making the voice sound better.

At the same time, many students are working to remove the accents characteristic in the regions in which they live.Literary reading aloud, correct stress in words, as well as tongue twisters help make speech fluent.

Many people have learned since kindergarten that the latter influence diction and clarity of speech.The tongue twisters of the peoples around the world offer a variety of training that contribute to improving the pronunciation of words.

There are many exercises in the Turkmen language aimed at improving diction.For example, a tongue twister: “Birje çemçe şorja serçe çorbasy”.This short phrase about one spoonful of salty sparrow soup, when pronounced quickly, develops the intonation expressiveness of sibilants.

A tongue twister from the same series: “Sarynyň çekgesinden çekirtke çakdy, Sary çatmadan çyrlap çykdy” (“Sary was bitten on the cheek by a grasshopper, screaming, Sary ran out of the yurt”).

An equally popular tongue twister is “Bu tekçede daş bar, bu tekçede mäş bar.Daşlaşsaň daşlaşarn, mäşleşseň mäşleşern” (“On this shelf there is a stone; on that shelf there is mung bean.

If you throw a stone, I will also throw a stone, if you throw mung bean, I will also throw mung bean”).The comic genre of folk art builds a phrase with an emphasis not on the semantic load, but on the complexity of pronunciation.

Over time, the practitioner notices an improvement in diction and strengthening of the tongue muscles.

The development of communication abilities, public speaking and scenic speech skills requires constant training and independent exercises. Doing exercises for voice, diction, and speaking can be a rewarding hobby for those who wish to be heard and understood.

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