Cotton harvest is nearing completion in Akhal and Mary Regions

Cotton harvest is nearing completion in Akhal and Mary Regions

The cotton harvesting campaign in Turkmenistan has passed the peak and will soon enter the final stage. Six cotton-growing districts have already fulfilled the state order for harvesting.

In the Akhal Region, these are Gokdepe, Serakhs and Ak bugday dis-tricts. Their aggregate contribution to the overall plan for the country amounted to more than 91.5 thousand tons of cotton.

In the Mary Region, Tahtabazar, Iolotan and Turkmenkala districts became the leaders. They gathered over 83.1 thousand tons.

In general, it is planned to harvest1 million 250 thousand tons of cot-ton across Turkmenistan. As of October 1, 2020, the country procured 454.2 thousand tons of seed cotton. Akhal and Mary traditionally lead the cotton harvesting campaign.

157 procurement points and 39 cotton ginning enterprises accept the 2020 crop, which is picked with the operation of thousands of com-bines from world manufacturers.

Since 2020, the country has increased the cotton production plan by 200 thousand tons, since Turkmenistan aims to process all cotton grown in the country, abandoning its export.

According to the State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan, the cot-ton export in January-August 2020 decreased by 75.8% compared to the same period in 2019, amounting to only 5.5 thousand tons. At the same time, the amount of finished textile product exports (clothing, etc.) had increased by 14%.

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