Educational center Gujurly Bilim merkezi opened the third branch in Turkmenistan

Educational center Gujurly Bilim merkezi opened the third branch in Turkmenistan

The private educational center for the study of foreign languages, computer literacy and mathematics Gujurly Bilim merkezi on June 1 opened its new branch located in the city of Anau.

The program for the study of foreign languages - English, Russian and computer literacy provides for different levels, from zero to advanced. Mathematics classes are divided into courses for children and adults.

One of the advantages of the educational courses held at the center is the absence of age restrictions for adults, and children are accepted from the age of 9.

Gujurly Bilim merkezi provides all the necessary conditions for the quality presentation of educational services. The center is taught by highly professional specialists with many years of experience with knowledge in the field of pedagogy.

At present time, registration for the summer season of training is ongoing in all three branches of the center. Classes begin on June 12, their duration is three months.

To register, you must have a copy of your birth certificate or passport with you, as well as pay tuition fees. Preferential rates are provided for children from the same family, as well as for education and health workers.

The address of the Gujurly Bilim merkezi center in Anau:

Addresses of the center in Ashgabat:

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