Following the dismissal of Deputy Prime Ministers for failure to ensure import substitution imported oil removed from stores

On 4 June President Serdar Berdymukhammedov held a Cabinet session devoted to the provision of groceries and problems related to import substitution.The head of state dismissed Deputy Prime Minister overseeing trade Chary Gylydzhov for poor performance.

Berdymukhammedov junior said that efforts committed to increasing the output of domestic consumer goods, especially agricultural produce, are carried out slowly.

Correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” report that the next day, on 5 June, imported sunflower-seed oil, which cost 31-35 manats per liter, was removed from Ashgabat’s grocery stores.

According to shop assistants, they had been instructed to take away imported oil from the counters. The stock in stores and warehouses has been cleared.

Shop assistants are outraged that instead of producing domestic produce, the authorities are reducing the amount of imported merchandise.

5 liter bottles of cotton oil “Akhal” have not been available in stores for a long time. It is sold through acquaintances at 150 manats per bottle. The price has increased to 200 manats.

In addition, the limit for selling Turkmen flour 1 grade has been reduced in supermarkets. It was sold for the price of 1 manat per kilo with a limit of 5 kilos per customer in shopping centers “Paytatg”, “Sumbar” store and other shops.

Residents purchased this flour because the quality is good and home-made bread is cheaper than bread sold in stores.However, the time of sale is limited and unpredictable.

Flour is sometimes sold in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening.Shops run out of flour in a few hours.Residents spend hours in queues waiting for the arrival of flour.

According to shop assistants, since early July the quality of bread has deteriorated and the flour limit has been reduced: the shopping centre “Paytatg” sells flour with a limit of 3 kilos per customer whereas the “Karakum” store – with a limit of 1 kilo.

Тhe price for eggs in privately-owned stores and supermarkets has increased from 1,8-2 to 2,5 manats apiece.The post Following the dismissal of Deputy Prime Ministers for failure to ensure import substitution imported oil removed from stores first appeared on Chronicles of Turkmenistan.

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