Following the results of boxing championship the national team will be set up for participation in the Asian games in Djakarta

In the Olympic village final meetings of the national boxing championship in the men's and female category which decided for gold and silver medals in all weight categories, took place. The boxers who competed the day before in semi-finals became owners of bronze awards.

Organizers of competitions - Federation of Boxing of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Sports and the Youth Policy and also the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations.

At the tournament there was a representative delegation at the head of Serik Konakbaev - vice-president of the International Association of Amateur Boxing and president of the Asian Confederation of Boxing.

Among guests of honour of competitions - stars of professional boxing: champion of WBA and IBF Denis Lebedev, the Olympic champion Oleg Saitov and also famous sportsman and actor, world champion of 1995 in mixed single combats Oleg Taktarov.

Visitors noted a high level of organisation of present competitions and technical skills of its participants.

The final day was opened by duels among women in the lightest weight class (under 48 kg).Here there were Gulshat Polatova from Ashgabat and Shahrizada Merdanova representing the team of Lebap velayat.

The fight passed easy, competitors gave more attention to defence and they ended the bout before powerful blows, capable to decide for the outcome of the bout.As a result a gold medal of the judge was awarded to G.Polatova.

S.Merdanova - silver prize-winner of the championship.

In the weight category under 54 kg in the duel Chemen Durdyklycheva from Dashoguz velayat and Selbi Kuvusheva from Lebap team who during the third decisive round of the championship yielded to her opponent.

Capital sportswoman Aygul Atadurdyeva (category under 57 kg) got the best of Gozel Ataeva from Balkan velayat.A.Atadurdyeva well started the fight, meeting her opponent with jabs - blows by direct hand.

In spite of the fact that the second round proceeded exactly enough, nevertheless, G.Ataeva needed medical aid for several times after which her trainer's staff made a decision to finish the duel ahead of schedule.

Sportsmen in the lightest weight class (under 49 kg) - both from the team of Lebap velayat met the first in men's team placing.Two rounds passed with attacks from both sides.

However, in an exchange of blows of Japbar Meleyev could make a sufficient blow to his opponent because of which trainers of Begench Annageldyev made a decision to refuse from the third round.

In the category under 52 kg the victory was secured by the representative of Lebap team Zarip Jumayev.He actively started the fight and forced the boxer from Ashgabat Mergen Melayev to pass to "deaf" protection already in the first round.

In the second - Z.Jumayev, nevertheless having broken through defence with a powerful blow to the body of the opponent decided the outcome of the duel.

In the fight for the first place in weight category under 56 kg two capital boxers competed. The gold medal by unanimous decision of judges was won by Yakub Meredov who put more of exact blows, than his opponent Begench Alimov.

The persistent final fight in weight category under 60 kg for the victory two boxers also from Ashgabat fought. Hursand Imankuliev skilfully used distant blows, holding Yazmyrat Gurbanov in a distance who appeared insuperable to his opponent.

The gold medal in the duel between Ashgabat sportsmen in weight category under 64 kg was won by Muhammet Berdybaev whose accuracy of blows was above, than his contender Togrulbek Pazzyev.

In weight category under 69 kg the first place was occupied with Timur Tajiyev representing the team of Dashoguz velayat.He confidently conducted the duel, answering attacks of his opponent by unexpected attacks.

And though in the second round capital boxer Serdar Amangeldyev began to perform more actively, understanding that he loses the fight, but he could not break the meeting’s course.

In weight class under 75 kg Ashgabat boxers met and there as a result the victory was celebrated by Nursahet Pazzyev . His opponent Aziz Achilov had to be content with a silver award.

In weight category under 81 kg one more capital boxer received a "gold" - Nuryagdy Nuryagdyev, perfectly having conducted the fight and having finished the duel with knock-down a series from two so strong blows that Ustabek Samandarov from Dashoguz team had to leave the ring ahead of schedule.

Transient it appeared a decisive duel in weight category under 91 kg. Arslanbek Achilov became the winner here confidently, without having met a special resistance from his opponent from the team of Lebap velayat Shohrat Hojanepesov.

Fight in super heavyweight - more than 91 kg between two capital sportsmen became last. The highest award was secured by Baky Toychyev. He preferred to do well count single blows, carefully counteracting blows of Atajan Nurgeldyev. Correctly picked up tactics as a result brought for B.Toychyev a victory by points.

Gold and silver prize-winners of the national boxing championship claim for a place as part of the national team where under the direction of famous Russian expert - head coach of Turkmen team Alexander Lebzyak they will begin preparation for the Asian Games to be held in Indonesian Djakarta.

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