Large-scale closure of Ashgabat retail outlets due to their non-compliance with the development plan

At the government session held on 23 May President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov was outraged by the fact that sales premises and offices in marble newly-built buildings are not used as intended.

“For instance, the third floors of some buildings designed to accommodate grocery and household goods stores, are used as privately-owned fitness centres, clubs, discos and so on, despite the fact that the specially designated places are available, which are not used as intended”, Berdymukhammedov said.

Following this remark various commissions from the khyakimlik’s office started paying visit to various shops and offices located in the apartment blocks or buildings located along central streets ofAshgabat to check their compliance with the original development plan.

In case merchandise or services rendered do not conform to those indicated on the signs, the shops are closed despite the fact they hold relevant licenses or have paid rental fees. When asked by tenants, the inspectors simply reply “Bolonok! (It is prohibited!). This is not envisaged by the plan!”.

For instance, there are signs Süýt önümleri (Dairy products), Deri merkezi (the Centre for leather goods), Gök önümleri (Greengrocer’s), Çörek önümleri (Bakery), Elektronika (Electronics) on 9 or 12 storey elite apartment blocks, which are currently open.

At the same time, some offices rendering consumer services such as hairdressing and beauty parlors, wedding dress rentals, tailor shops, repair of household appliances and others have been closed.

A photo studio and a small café “Merci” were closed on Garashsyzlyk street. The roof-top terrace located in the shopping centre on the same street was also shut down despite the fact that it had recently been remodeled ahead of the summer season along with some stores, a furniture store among them.

Various reasons from non-compliance with fire safety regulations to illegal remodeling are quoted by municipal officials as official reasons. If no excuses can be found, the rental fees are increased many times in an attempt to urge business owners to move out.

The entrepreneurs that correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” interviewed are furious. They are outraged by the fact that it is next to impossible to find jobs now and instead of simplifying the conditions for entrepreneurs and creating jobs, the authorities are closing down businesses.

The shops and consumer services shops, which violate the “urban development plan”, are also being closed in Ashgabat residential districts of Choganly and Khitrovka.

For instance, three wedding dress rental shops had to curtail their operating in the residential district of Khitrovka.

It should be emphasized that the editorial board of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” received first reports about the closures of some retail outlets on 17 May, but correspondents managed to identify only one closed store (see the photo).

At that time out correspondents failed to find out the reasons behind the shop closure.Later it became obvious that it is located in the building with the sign “Diabetes and natural health products”, which sold sugar at the state price of 8 to 9 manats per kilo.

According to sources of Radio “Azatlyk”, on 15 May the municipal authorities informed some entrepreneurs that their offices would be moved to the “industrial zone”, located on the outskirts of the city.

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