Lifetime edition of "Eugene Onegin" set a new record for sales

Lifetime edition of "Eugene Onegin" set a new record for sales

Released during the life of A.S. Pushkin's edition of the novel "Eugene Onegin" was sold at auction for 26 million rubles. The book has become the most expensive lifetime edition of Russian classics that went under the hammer in Russia, MIR 24 reports, citing information from the Litfond auction house.

The previous record - 18 million rubles for the lifetime edition of Velimir Hlebnikov's poem "Ladomir" - lasted six years on the country's antique market.

At the aforementioned auction, the first separate edition in prose "A Hero of Our Time" by Mihail Lermontov and "Arabesques" by Nikolai Gogol were also sold for 6 million rubles.

The first edition of the collection of works by Vladimir Vysotsky (two volumes) also set a record at the auction. At one of the previous auctions, this lot went for 12 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, the day before, the buyer paid 22 000 rubles for the publication of Songs and Poems, the source informs.

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