Population of Turkmenistan’s capital exceeds one million

Population of Turkmenistan’s capital exceeds one million

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Aug. 8

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

Population in the capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, has exceeded one million people, Mayor of Ashgabat Shamukhammet Durdylyev said as he was reporting to the head of state, the “Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper wrote.

Durdylyev also proposed to expand Ashgabat. Stressing the importance of this issue, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov submitted the proposal on expansion of the capital to the parliament’s consideration.

Speaking about the expediency of creating a new district in the capital, the president gave the mayor specific instructions for carrying out relevant work.

Territories of the Abadan city and the Ruhabat district of the Akhal region were attached to Ashgabat recently.

The population of the city was 604,700 people according to a 1995 census.

Ashgabat is the largest administrative, political, transport, trade, scientific and cultural center of the country. Industry is one of the leading sectors in the capital’s economy it includes the manufacture of products of light and food industries, engineering and metal finishing industries, woodworking, pharmaceutical industries and construction materials industry.

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