Presentation of the new book “Independence is our happiness”, presented by the Esteemed President to the Turkmen people in honor of the 30th anniversary of the sacred Independence, was held in the conference hall of the “Turkmendemiryollary” agency of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
The event was attended by transport and communications specialists.
During the ceremony, the speakers talked about the book of our hero Arkadag “Independence is our happiness” which contains historical information, photographs and chronicles about the past, present and bright future of our people.
The new book consists of 13 poetically entitled chapters: “Turkmen land a source of abundance”, “The Turkmen people are creative people”, “Happy journey!”, “One who has a market, has wealth” and others.
The title of each chapter indicates the importance attached to each word in the book by the National Leader.After opening and reading one of the first chapters, as our Esteemed President called it “The basis of a safe, free life”, we understand that we are protected and happy.
In their works, our ancestors Oguz-khan, Gorogly-beg, and classical poets Magtymguly, Seydi, Zelili, Kemine, Mataji, Mollanepes expressed their dream of how the Motherland would gain independence.The book “Independence is our happiness” spreads the sacred words of our ancestors all over the world, saying “This is a home of Turkmen!”.
Now, the sovereign Turkmen live a stable life “in a new historical era of renaissance, development, and happiness”.Such traits of the Turkmen as patriotism, loyalty to friends, national values were historically widespread around the world.
Real sons of Turkmen went around the world on horseback and told everyone “Learn from the Turkmen how to build a country”.
Being connoisseurs of beauty and music, the Turkmen created beautiful carpets, bred horses, dogs of Alabai, Saryja sheep, Arvan camels, as well as developed national handicrafts throughout their history.
The book “Independence - our happiness” contains images of statues of the sons of the Fatherland, such as Alp Arslan, Malik Sha, Muhammed Togrul Beg, Bayram Khan, restored in the capital, which is an immutable path of patriotism for the younger generation.
In addition, the publication, which will become a valuable guide for each of our citizens, contains colorful illustrations of magnificent objects built over the years of independence, residential complexes, shopping and entertainment, cultural and health centers.
The testament of our ancestors “knowledge is wisdom” has found its meaning in this book.The publication, published in the Turkmen, Russian and English languages, will draw the attention of not only of our people but also of other peoples around the world.
At the end of the ceremony, the participants expressed their sincere gratitude to our hero Arkadag for a wonderful holiday gift.