President of Turkmenistan signs Decree on conferring state awards

On occasion of the Turkmen Horse Day, for Merit to the Fatherland and the people of Turkmenistan, for achievements in increasing the world glory of heavenly’ horses, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the Decree on conferring the state awards.

Order of Turkmenistan “Garaşsyz Türkmenistana bolan beýik söýgüsi üçin” is awarded to senior jockey of the President of Turkmenistan Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, Kakamyrat Agamyradov; Medal of Turkmenistan “Gaýrat” is awarded to veterinarian of the Production Department of the President of Turkmenistan Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, Hodjamyrat Yunusov; Medal of Turkmenistan “Watana bolan söýgüsi üçin” is awarded to: Chief veterinarian of the President of Turkmenistan Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, Orazdurdy Annakov; Sound operator of the International Ahalteke Equestrian Sports Complex of the "Türkmen Atlary” State Association, Annabayram Pyayev; Veterinarian of the horse clinic of the International Ahalteke Equestrian Sports Complex of the "Türkmen Atlary” State Association, Annadurdy Annadurdiyev; Director General of the State Circus of Turkmenistan, Annamuhammet Ilamanov; Executive Secretary of the Department for Horse-Breeding and Turkmen Sports History of the Sport TV Channel of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for TV, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography, Narly Nuriyev; Head of Cattle Breeding Department of S.A.

Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University, Saparmyrat Annamuhammedov; Director of the scientific and production centre of Ahalteke Horse Breeding of S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University, Myrat Redjepguliyev.The honorary title Türkmenistanyň halk atşynasy” (People’s Horse Breeder of Turkmenistan is awarded to jockey, head of the Galkynyş Group of National Equestrian Games of the President of Turkmenistan Ahalteke Equestrian Complex, Pygy Bayramdurdiyev.

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