President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part...

Today, with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a solemn ceremony was held to put into operation a complex of mudflow diversion facilities in the southern part of the capital.

Environmental protection, respect for nature, efficient and prudent use of natural resources, preservation of its beauty and wealth for future generations are important areas of the state development strategy implemented by the head of Turkmenistan.

As part of the large-scale reforms being carried out in the country, the material and technical base of the water sector is being strengthened, and hydraulic structures are being built and put into operation in all regions.

Turkmens throughout their centuries-old history treated water as an invaluable gift of nature, created effective ways to use life-giving moisture, which is the source of life, built reservoirs, drainage and other systems for the careful and rational use of water resources.

Considering a drop of water as a grain of gold, our people passed on from generation to generation the traditions of caring for it.

The commissioning of a new engineering and technical facility has become another clear confirmation that the issues of the development of the Turkmen capital, and above all the construction of important engineering and communication systems, are the subject of special attention of the head of state.

Today, the southern part of Ashgabat is developing at a rapid pace, where its new administrative and business center is being formed.

As is known, in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, adopted in March 2020, the khyakimlik of the city of Ashgabat, in order to further strengthen the protection of the capital from mudflows, concluded a contract with the Joint-Stock Company Production Association Vozrozhdenie (Russian Federation) for the construction of a complex of mudflow diversion facilities, which located in the foothills of the Kopetdag.

Saint-Petersburg JSC “PA “Vozrozhdeniye” has been operating in the Turkmen market for more than 10 years. Over the years, Russian builders have built more than a dozen infrastructure facilities, including highways and interchanges, bridge structures and other facilities. For example, Vozrozhdenie was entrusted with projects in Ashgabat and in the Avaza National Tourist Zone.

... A festive atmosphere reigns at the site of today's celebration.

The car of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov arrives at the launch site.

The head of state is welcomed by members of the Government, the leadership of the Milli Gengesh, relevant ministries and departments, representatives of the city administration, public organizations, and the media.

Here, on the site in front of the new building, creative teams perform, inspired songs are heard praising the great achievements of the Motherland and grandiose transformations initiated by the Hero Arkadag and successfully continuing under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Then the head of Turkmenistan goes to the building where the celebration took place in a specially equipped conference hall.

Speaking to the audience, the President of the country emphasized that in the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, large-scale programs are being implemented that contribute to the accelerated development of the Fatherland in all directions.

This year, the motto of which is “The era of the people with Arkadag”, construction and commissioning of a number of large industrial and social facilities continue in Ashgabat. And today, in a solemn atmosphere, a complex of mudflow diversion facilities in the south of the capital is being put into operation, said President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The construction of this facility was carried out by the Russian Joint Stock Company Production Association Vozrozhdenie. The total length of the modern complex is 49 kilometers. During its construction, the latest architectural and engineering solutions and advanced digital technologies were used.

The complex of modern facilities includes open reservoirs, bridges, pumping stations, more than 34 kilometers of concreted canals, over 8 kilometers of pipelines and other engineering systems, the head of state stated.

Stressing that the architecturally unique complex of facilities for the removal of mudflows will play an important role in maintaining the well-being of the Turkmen capital, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that this facility would effectively serve our people for many years to come.

Ashgabat, according to its high status, should be a benchmark in everything, including in terms of such criteria as advanced digital technologies, design and ecology, the head of state continued, noting that in the future we will develop the main city of our Motherland, turning it into an exemplary development center where a happy life reigns.

Congratulating those present on today's joyful event - the opening of a complex of mudflow diversion facilities built at a high quality level in the capital - President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished everyone good health, family well-being and great success in their work.

The speech of the head of Turkmenistan caused enthusiasmattendees and was greeted with thunderous applause.

Then the head of the Vozrozhdeniye Group of design and construction companies (Russian Federation) Igor Bukato sincerely congratulated the President of the country and all participants of the event on a significant event, noting that today a unique facility in its scale is being opened - a complex of mudflow protection structures in the capital of Turkmenistan - white marble Ashgabat.

This project was carried out jointly by the Russian and Turkmen design institutes - Sevkavgiprovodkhoz and Türkmensuwylymtaslama, as well as specialists from the Scientific Research Institute of Seismic Construction of Turkmenistan.

The specialists of the two countries carried out a large amount of work, the uniqueness of which was confirmed by many scientific communities in Russia and Turkmenistan and marked with the appropriate certificates.

As the head of the Russian holding informed, for the first time at an object of this level, basalt-plastic reinforcement was used - an innovative material that, due to its corrosion resistance, is ideal for hydraulic structures.

Due to the wide coverage of the territory, a drone was used for geodetic control - a special quadrocopter, which significantly reduced the construction time.

Having expressed his deep gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan for the high trust and the opportunity to once again demonstrate his experience in the implementation of this unique engineering and technical facility, Igor Bukato assured that the holding approaches the fulfillment of its contractual obligations with all responsibility, and the white marble pearl of Asia - Ashgabat - is fully protected from mudflows.

Then, to the applause of the audience, the Acting Vice-President of the Mudflow Association NGO A. Nosov presents a Certificate of implementation of the unique construction project "The complex of mudflow protection structures in the southern part of the city of Ashgabat", which has no analogues in the world.

Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Melioration named after A.N.Kostyakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.Shevchenko presents a Certificate confirming the uniqueness of the construction object of engineering protection of the territory from the effects of rain floods and mudflows and the Certificate of environmental safety of the construction object of engineering protection of the territory from the effects of rain floods and mudflows.

The representative of the international company for the provision of educational and research services in the field of documentation "Sigmasert" Hussein Yusuf Gundogar presents the Certificate of the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9001-2015, confirming compliance with the quality management system requirements for mudflow diversion facilities in the south of Ashgabat.

Further, a video film was offered to the attention of the audience - a brief presentation of engineering structures to protect Ashgabat from mudflows.

The appearance of the main city of the country, which has become a symbol of its modern history, the embodiment of harmony and splendor, is rapidly changing.The work to turn the capital into a world-class metropolis and significance does not stop for a day.

Today's Ashgabat delights with the amazing urban ensemble that is being formed before our eyes, in which high-rise buildings and spacious squares, wide avenues and shady streets, cozy squares and giant forest parks organically coexist.

The beauty and cleanliness of the capital is an important indicator that characterizes not only the standard of living of its population, but also the scope of the transformations carried out here, which have changed both the consciousness of people and their attitude to their common home.

Taking into account the geographical position of the white marble capital of Turkmenistan, which is located at the foot of the northern slopes of the Kopetdag, it falls into the zone of influence of mudflows.

In this regard, the commissioning of a complex of mudflow diversion facilities will make it possible to bring the city’s engineering and communication system in line with international standards, solve several problems, in particular, to divert a mudflow or pass through a protective object, to protect the channel of mudflow pipelines from erosion, as well as nearby territories - from the impact of the flow.

The complex of mudflow diversion facilities put into operation is an innovative engineering and technical project.Its uniqueness lies in the developed system of structural organization of objects, their spatial arrangement, taking into account the natural-climatic, structural-tectonic and engineering-geological conditions for the formation of mudflow basins of the Kopetdag Mountains, the accumulation of mudflow and stabilization of its channel, the design features of construction protection facilities that allow differentiating fractional the composition of mudflows to ensure the neutralization of their impact on nature, etc.

It should be noted that large-scale work is being carried out in Turkmenistan to adapt to climate change, preserve biological diversity, combat desertification and land degradation, form forest zones, and improve the environmental situation in populated areas.

President Heartar Berdimuhamedov is heading to the building of the complex of mudflow diversion facilities.

The climax is coming: to the general applause, the head of state cuts the symbolic ribbon - a new engineering and technical facility is open!

The concept of the mudflow protection project provides for minimal interference with nature and minimal economic costs while complying with all norms and standards in the construction of such structures.

A feature of the project is that when laying mudflow canals, it was not necessary to “open” roads, water will flow under them through pipes laid using the “puncture” technology. Reconstruction of natural mudflow channels, which are brought to the Karakum River.

During the construction of mudflow diversions, the terrain and its natural and climatic features were taken into account. Mudflows flowing down from the mountain slopes have their own channel formed over the centuries, therefore, during the implementation of this project, the directions of mudflow movement were studied in detail.

During the construction of the complex, 36 million cubic meters of natural sand and gravel mass were extracted, 9 water collectors were built along the mudflow channels. Along the channels of mudflow diversions, large volume reservoirs were built, designed for crushing impurities, filtering and obtaining clean water.

The total length of the main mudflow channel is more than 49 kilometers, of which more than 35 kilometers fall on the segment, which is reinforced with a special concrete coating.

In the work on concreting, modern innovative technologies and equipment were used, including geodetic methods using a drone.To ensure reliable waterproofing, more than 9 million meters of innovative composite reinforcement, as well as more than 540 thousand square meters of reinforced geomembrane, were used.

The President of Turkmenistan goes inside the building to get acquainted with the equipment of the pumping station.

This complex system for pumping water and its removal in lowland areas includes working and standby pumping units, including pipeline fittings and other auxiliary devices.

Here, 30 latest generation submersible water pumps from the German manufacturers Wilo are installed, coated with a special innovative nano-ceramic composition, which allows sand and small stones to pass through the pumps along with the water, without any negative impact on their stable operation. 9,100 meters of pipes with a diameter of 1,000 millimeters have been laid.

When mudflows approach the pumping station, the channel expands and forms a fore-chamber.The trash-retaining grates brought forward form a separate structure that ensures the normal functioning of all pumps, regardless of the clogging of one of the grates.

In addition, their service is possible at any time.Thanks to the equipment with flat shields, the pumps, if necessary, allow to drain the fore-chambers, which are a bucket with sloping walls, and to clean and repair them.

The potential of one protective selenium accumulator is designed to receive the maximum volume of mudflow, it is able to withstand the estimated seismic activity of 9 points without damage. During the construction, heavy-duty structures, special quality cement, as well as other types of waterproof materials were used.

Mudflow and precipitation waters are directed along a single channel along the eastern side, beyond Ashgabat - into the canal and further - to the Turkmen lake "Altyn asyr". This will create favorable conditions for the development of animal husbandry in the Karakum desert, in particular, sheep breeding, expansion of pasture areas, as well as aquaculture.

When the mudflow passes, a solid mass will remain in the selenium reservoir - clay, silt, sand, stones, and the filtered water will be discharged by a pump system. The solid mass of the mudflow can be easily cleared and removed by dump trucks.

The safety and environmental friendliness of this engineering and technical facility is ensured by the construction of mudflow storage facilities in the channels of mudflow ravines and the exclusion of mudflow and rain floods from entering Ashgabat.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, through a video, gets acquainted in detail with the technical features and advantages of the installed equipment.

The work of the water collection station consists of three stages. First, water flows from the storage tanks to the first section. The second block remains dry, valves are mounted here that regulate the flow to the third chamber, from where it is pumped into concrete tanks.

There are 3 working and one standby water pumps from the German company Wilo with a production capacity of 350 liters per second. The station also provides for the installation of a special crane with a lifting capacity of 5 tons.

Before the start-up of the pumping station, the water in the channel of the second catchment facility is cleaned according to the prescribed technology.Then the operator on duty turns on the pumping equipment.

Working water intake devices raise water under pressure to a height of 28 meters and directit into the water collector in a volume of one cubic meter per second through pipes with a diameter of a thousand millimeters.

The head of state also inspected the facilities of the second mudflow collector, where flood waters flow from the northern and northeastern reaches of the Central Kopetdag. The selenium reservoir with a volume of 1,29,300 cubic meters is designed to collect water flows generated during winter landslides and storm drains.

The specialist of the complex expressed deep gratitude to the head of state for the construction of a modern engineering and technical facility, where comfortable conditions for the work of personnel were created, and assured that he would work conscientiously for the good of the Fatherland.

Then the President of the country was presented with a general layout of mudflow diversion facilities, including the laying of mudflow diversion channels.

Having completed familiarization with the features of the important new building and wished the staff a complex of success in their work, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov handed over the keys to the new cars and specialized construction equipment intended for his workers.

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