The new exploratory well of the Ekizak field received an industrial inflow of oil and gas

The drillers of the Korpejinsky drilling department of the PC "Turkmenneft" are carrying out prospecting in the southwestern part of the country, where there are such large oil and gas deposits as Altykuy, Korpeje, Ordekli, Gogerendag, Ekerem, Ekizak.

In the present, the management team at the disposal of which high-performance machinery is expanding the geography of prospecting works in the Ekeremo-Gogerendag zone, where, according to forecasts of geologists, there are abundant reserves of oil and gas.

Striking confirmation of this was the exploratory well No. 16 on the Ekizak field, the design depth of which is 3600 meters.During the drilling from the depth of the horizon of 3400 meters was obtained an industrial inflow of oil and gas.

The daily production rate of the new well is about 20 tons of "black gold" and almost 50 thousand cubic meters of "blue fuel" - the size of the reserves exceeded all expectations of subsoil scouts.

Now, a hydro-gas dynamic study is being conducted with the participation of the employees of the “Nebitgazylmytaslama” Institute.Also effected works to study the atmospheric pressure of underground seams.

The installation of a four-millimeter nozzle in it help to reduce high reservoir pressure and increase the throughput of oil and gas extracted from the earth's interior.The Ekizak field development continues.

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