Turkmen students got acquainted with modern biotechnologies in crop production

Turkmen students got acquainted with modern biotechnologies in crop production

A joint online lecture with the participation of Belarusian scientists was held at the Magtymguly Turkmen State University, the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan” writes. The event was dedicated to the topic “Biotechnology in crop production” and attracted great interest from students of the Faculty of Biology.

The lecture was given by the head of the research laboratory of molecular genetics and biotechnology of the Department of Genetics of the Belarusian State University, Candidate of Biological Sciences Irina Feklistova. In a presentation format, she covered broad aspects of molecular genetics and agricultural biotechnology, including the use of entomopathogenic fungi and predatory mites for pest control.

Students learned about biological products based on bacteria, developed at a Belarusian university and awarded prestigious awards. At the end of the lecture, a question and answer session was held, where Feklistova explained in detail the topics of interest to young people.

After the lecture course, teachers from two universities held an online conference. They discussed methods of teaching biotechnology, opportunities for joint research, publications and internships to improve the skills of young specialists.

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