Turkmenistan appoints new head to major agriculture bank

Turkmenistan appoints new head to major agriculture bank

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, Oct. 8

By Huseyn Hasanov Trend:

Myratniyaz Berdyev, who previously held the position of deputy chairman of the Board of the Dayhanbank State Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan, has been appointed its chairman, reads the Turkmen presidential decree.

By another decree, Muhammet Nepesov was released from temporary duties of the head of the bank.

The bank is focused on financing the agro-industrial complex, and provides loans for investment projects in industry, construction and other areas.

Turkmenistan is in a transitional stage of its development.In recent years, for the first time, an article appeared in Constitution on the transition to market relations.The Caspian country has already carried out several reforms in monetary policy: the denomination of the national currency, the unification of exchange rates, and in 2014 the country switched to international accounting standards.

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