Turkmenistan modestly celebrates Eid-al-Adha this year

Turkmenistan has marked Eid al-Adha. Swings were installed and concert venues were assembled in many residential districts of Ashgabat, including the residential district Mir-4, in front of the circus building, in the neighborhoods of Keshi, Khitrovka and others.

Correspondents of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” report that teachers and the elders played the role of spectators, who were obliged to be at the celebration venues from 6 to 8 p.m. Thanks to summer holidays schoolchildren and students were not engaged in сrowd scenes, which explains quite a small number of spectators.

During the days of celebration, many police officers were deployed to ensure order in the city.For instance, three to four police vehicles could be constantly seen at the backyard in the residential district Mir-4 and near Ankara street (formerly, Yubileynaya street).

Moreover, road inspection officers kept vigil to make sure residents do not park their vehicles close to the festivities’ venues.

As is common, public transport operated worse than usual on holidays. Bus routes 35, 38, 43 ran with an interval of 40-50 minutes instead of 15 to 20 minutes.

Ashgabat residents complained that they could not arrange large-scale family celebrations due to financial problems.According to interlocutors of “Chronicles of Turkmenistan”, Eid al-Adha is held in the run-up to the new academic year and many failed to save enough money to buy school supplies for children and invite guests for a festive meal.

According to the website of Turkmen news, the inhabitants of Dashoguz experienced similar problems. The news outlet reports that those who wish to be invited to a feast as guests outnumber those willing to act as hosts offering a festive meal.

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